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| ISC ''abs'',X
| ISC ''abs'',X
|colspan=17| Addressing modes: <span style="background-color: #e0e0e0;">'''A''' - accumulator</span>, <span style="background-color: #e0ffe0;">'''#''' - immediate</span>, <span style="background-color: #ffe0e0;">'''zpg''' - zero page</span>, <span style="background-color: #e0ffff;">'''abs''' - absolute</span>, <span style="background-color: #ffe0ff;">'''ind''' - indirect</span>, <span style="background-color: #ffffe0;">'''rel''' - relative</span>. Uncolored cells are illegal opcodes.
|colspan=17| Addressing modes: <span style="background-color: #e0e0e0;">'''A''' - accumulator</span>, <span style="background-color: #e0ffe0;">'''#''' - immediate</span>, <span style="background-color: #ffffe0;">'''rel''' - relative</span>, <span style="background-color: #ffe0e0;">'''zpg''' - zero page</span>, <span style="background-color: #e0ffff;">'''abs''' - absolute</span>, <span style="background-color: #ffe0ff;">'''ind''' - indirect</span>. Uncolored cells are illegal opcodes.

Revision as of 12:48, 6 September 2024

The 6502 CPU

The MOS Technology 6502 is an 8-bit microprocessor designed by Chuck Peddle for MOS Technology in 1975. When it was introduced it was the least expensive full featured CPU on the market by far, at about 1/6th the price, or less, of competing designs from larger companies such as Motorola and Intel. It was nevertheless faster than most of them, and, along with the Zilog Z80, sparked off a series of computer projects that would eventually result in the home computer revolution of the 1980s. The 6502 design was originally second-sourced by Rockwell and Synertek and later licensed to a number of companies; it is still made for embedded systems.

Originally the CPC was destined to be designed around the 6502 processor. But when Amstrad approached Locomotive Software to develop a Basic for it with a very tight deadline, Locomotive PLC, who already had a Z80 Basic in the works, urged and convinced Amstrad to switch to the Z80.


The 6502 microprocessor is an 8-bit CPU with an 8-bit ALU and a 16-bit address bus capable of direct access to 64KB of memory space. Like the Z80, the 6502 is also a little-endian CPU, meaning it stores 16-bit values with the least significant byte first, followed by the most significant byte. The 6502 has 151 instructions, which are composed of 56 distinct opcodes across various addressing modes.

Although it lacks the raw processing power of processors like the Intel 80x86 or the Motorola 68000 series, the 6502 was known for its efficiency and affordability, making it a popular choice for embedded systems and early home computers. Its simple design contributed to lower manufacturing costs and simplified integration.

The 6502 chip is made up of 4528 transistors (3510 enhancement transistors and 1018 depletion pullup transistors). It comes in a 40-pin DIP package. It has been produced by various manufacturers and used in a wide range of applications, from early gaming consoles like the Atari VCS and Nintendo Entertainment System to personal computers like the Apple II and Commodore 64.


Register Size Description Notes
A (Accumulator) 8-bit Main register for arithmetic, logic, and data transfer Most operations use this register
X (Index Register X) 8-bit Used for indexing memory and loop counters Can be used for addressing modes like Indexed Indirect, Zero Page Indexed, and Absolute Indexed
Y (Index Register Y) 8-bit Used for indexing memory and loop counters Often used in Absolute and Zero Page Indexed addressing
P (Processor Status) 8-bit
  • bit7 - NF - Negative Flag
  • bit6 - VF - Overflow Flag
  • bit5 - Unused (always set to 1)
  • bit4 - BF - Break Command
  • bit3 - DF - Decimal Mode Flag
  • bit2 - IF - Interrupt Disable Flag
  • bit1 - ZF - Zero Flag
  • bit0 - CF - Carry Flag
Flags are affected by most operations.

BF is not a physical flag implemented in a register. It only appears on the stack when the P register is pushed to it.

S (Stack Pointer) 8-bit Points to the current location in the stack Stack is located in page 1 ($0100-$01FF), 8-bit S register is offset to this base
PC (Program Counter) 16-bit Points to the next instruction to be executed Automatically increments as instructions are executed

Decimal Mode

BCD operations are limited to addition and subtraction using the ADC and SBC instructions.

On NMOS, when Decimal Mode is on, the ADC and SBC instructions update NF, VF and ZF based on the binary result before the decimal correction is applied. Only CF is updated correctly. On CMOS, all the flags are updated correctly, at the cost of 1 additional cycle.

On NMOS, DF is not defined after RESET. On CMOS, DF is automatically cleared on RESET.

On NMOS, DF is unchanged when entering an interrupt of any kind. This can cause unexpected bugs in the interrupt handler if Decimal Mode is on when an interrupt occurs. On CMOS, DF is automatically cleared on interrupt. Upon returning from an interrupt, the processor restores the status register from the stack, including DF.

The 6502 core inside the NES is missing the Decimal Mode feature.

Memory Access

The address space that the 6502 uses is split into pages. There are 256 pages and each page is 256 bytes in size, ranging from page 0 to page 255.

In order to make up for the lack of registers, the 6502 includes a zero page addressing mode ($0000-$00FF) that uses only 1 address byte in the instruction instead of the 2 that are needed to address the full 64 KB of memory. This provides fast access to the first 256 bytes of RAM by using shorter instructions.

The stack is permanently located in page 1 ($0100-$01FF) and managed by the 8-bit stack pointer (S), with an initial value of $FF. It grows downward as data is pushed onto the stack. The stack has a 256-byte limit, and overflow occurs if not managed properly.

Instructions PHA and PHP push the accumulator and processor status onto the stack, while PLA and PLP pull them back. Subroutine calls with JSR store the return address on the stack, and RTS retrieves it to continue execution. Similarly, interrupts (BRK) push the program counter and status, while RTI restores them.

All I/O operations are memory-mapped. There are no port-based I/O instructions.

Half Cycles

The 6502 divides each clock cycle into two phases (ϕ1 and ϕ2):

  • During the ϕ1 half-cycle, no bus access occurs. This phase is dedicated to internal CPU operations.
  • During the ϕ2 half-cycle, the CPU accesses the external bus for memory reads/writes or I/O operations.

The use of half-cycles ensures that memory and I/O devices have predictable timing windows when the CPU will access the bus, while still allowing the CPU to perform internal operations in parallel.

Unlike most microprocessors, the 6502 does not make memory accesses on an "as needed" basis. It always does a fetch or store on every single clock cycle. When there isn't anything to be fetched or stored, a "garbage" fetch or store occurs. This is mainly of importance with the memory-mapped I/O devices:

  • On NMOS, when adding a carry to the MSB of an address, a fetch occurs at a garbage address. On CMOS, the last byte of the instruction is refetched.
  • On NMOS, when doing a fetch-modify-store instruction (INC, DEC, ASL, LSR, ROL, ROR), garbage is stored into the location during the "modify" cycle... followed by the "real" store cycle which stores the correct data. On CMOS, a second fetch is performed instead of a garbage store.

The 6510 CPU adds an AEC pin that the VIC-II uses to kick the CPU off the bus.


On a RESET, the CPU loads the vector from $FFFC/$FFFD into the program counter and continues fetching instructions from there.

On an NMI, the CPU pushes the low byte and the high byte of the program counter as well as the processor status onto the stack, disables interrupts and loads the vector from $FFFA/$FFFB into the program counter and continues fetching instructions from there.

On an IRQ, the CPU does the same as in the NMI case, but uses the vector at $FFFE/$FFFF.

On a BRK instruction, the CPU does the same as in the IRQ case, but sets bit #4 (B flag) in the copy of the status register that is saved on the stack.

The priority sequence for interrupts, from top priority to bottom, is as follows: RESET, BRK, NMI, IRQ. Source at chapter 7.19

On NMOS, NMI or IRQ that happens during specific moments of BRK execution can cause BRK to be effectively skipped. On CMOS, this situation is correctly handled by executing BRK and then servicing the interrupt.

NMOS 6502 Instruction Set

Standard instructions

Cycles are shown in parenthesis for each opcode. p=1 if page is crossed. t=1 if branch is taken.

Mnemonic Addressing Modes Flags Operation Description
No arg A #$nn $nnnn $nnnn,X $nnnn,Y ($nnnn) $nn $nn,X $nn,Y ($nn,X) ($nn),Y rel N V - B D I Z C
ADC 69 (2) 6D (4) 7D (4+p) 79 (4+p) 65 (3) 75 (4) 61 (6) 71 (5+p) N V - - - - Z C A + M + CF → A, CF Add Memory to Accumulator with Carry
AND 29 (2) 2D (4) 3D (4+p) 39 (4+p) 25 (3) 35 (4) 21 (6) 31 (5+p) N - - - - - Z - A ∧ M → A "AND" Memory with Accumulator
ASL 0A (2) 0E (6) 1E (7) 06 (5) 16 (6) N - - - - - Z C CF ← /M7...M0/ ← 0 Arithmetic Shift Left
BCC 90 (2+t+p) - - - - - - - - Branch on CF = 0 Branch on Carry Clear
BCS B0 (2+t+p) - - - - - - - - Branch on CF = 1 Branch on Carry Set
BEQ F0 (2+t+p) - - - - - - - - Branch on ZF = 1 Branch on Result Zero
BIT 2C (4) 24 (3) N V - - - - Z - A ∧ M, M7 → NF, M6 → VF Test Bits in Memory with Accumulator
BMI 30 (2+t+p) - - - - - - - - Branch on NF = 1 Branch on Result Minus
BNE D0 (2+t+p) - - - - - - - - Branch on ZF = 0 Branch on Result Not Zero
BPL 10 (2+t+p) - - - - - - - - Branch on NF = 0 Branch on Result Plus
BRK 00 (7) - - - - - 1 - - PC + 2↓, [FFFE] → PCL, [FFFF] → PCH Force Interrupt
BVC 50 (2+t+p) - - - - - - - - Branch on VF = 0 Branch on Overflow Clear
BVS 70 (2+t+p) - - - - - - - - Branch on VF = 1 Branch on Overflow Set
CLC 18 (2) - - - - - - - 0 0 → CF Clear Carry Flag
CLD D8 (2) - - - - 0 - - - 0 → DF Clear Decimal Mode
CLI 58 (2) - - - - - 0 - - 0 → IF Clear Interrupt Disable
CLV B8 (2) - 0 - - - - - - 0 → VF Clear Overflow Flag
CMP C9 (2) CD (4) DD (4+p) D9 (4+p) C5 (3) D5 (4) C1 (6) D1 (5+p) N - - - - - Z C A - M Compare Memory and Accumulator
CPX E0 (2) EC (4) E4 (3) N - - - - - Z C X - M Compare Index Register X To Memory
CPY C0 (2) CC (4) C4 (3) N - - - - - Z C Y - M Compare Index Register Y To Memory
DEC CE (6) DE (7) C6 (5) D6 (6) N - - - - - Z - M - 1 → M Decrement Memory By One
DEX CA (2) N - - - - - Z - X - 1 → X Decrement Index Register X By One
DEY 88 (2) N - - - - - Z - Y - 1 → Y Decrement Index Register Y By One
EOR 49 (2) 4D (4) 5D (4+p) 59 (4+p) 45 (3) 55 (4) 41 (6) 51 (5+p) N - - - - - Z - A ⊻ M → A "Exclusive OR" Memory with Accumulator
INC EE (6) FE (7) E6 (5) F6 (6) N - - - - - Z - M + 1 → M Increment Memory By One
INX E8 (2) N - - - - - Z - X + 1 → X Increment Index Register X By One
INY C8 (2) N - - - - - Z - Y + 1 → Y Increment Index Register Y By One
JMP 4C (3) 6C (5) - - - - - - - - [PC + 1] → PCL, [PC + 2] → PCH Jump
JSR 20 (6) - - - - - - - - PC + 2↓, [PC + 1] → PCL, [PC + 2] → PCH Jump To Subroutine
LDA A9 (2) AD (4) BD (4+p) B9 (4+p) A5 (3) B5 (4) A1 (6) B1 (5+p) N - - - - - Z - M → A Load Accumulator with Memory
LDX A2 (2) AE (4) BE (4+p) A6 (3) B6 (4) N - - - - - Z - M → X Load Index Register X From Memory
LDY A0 (2) AC (4) BC (4+p) A4 (3) B4 (4) N - - - - - Z - M → Y Load Index Register Y From Memory
LSR 4A (2) 4E (6) 5E (7) 46 (5) 56 (6) 0 - - - - - Z C 0 → /M7...M0/ → CF Logical Shift Right
NOP EA (2) - - - - - - - - No operation No Operation
ORA 09 (2) 0D (4) 1D (4+p) 19 (4+p) 05 (3) 15 (4) 01 (6) 11 (5+p) N - - - - - Z - A ∨ M → A "OR" Memory with Accumulator
PHA 48 (3) - - - - - - - - A↓ Push Accumulator On Stack
PHP 08 (3) - - - 1 - - - - P↓ Push Processor Status on Stack
PLA 68 (4) N - - - - - Z - (S)↑ → A Pull Accumulator From Stack
PLP 28 (4) N V - B D I Z C (S)↑ → P Pull Processor Status From Stack
ROL 2A (2) 2E (6) 3E (7) 26 (5) 36 (6) N - - - - - Z C CF ← /M7...M0/ ← CF Rotate One Bit Left (Memory or Accumulator)
ROR 6A (2) 6E (6) 7E (7) 66 (5) 76 (6) N - - - - - Z C CF → /M7...M0/ → CF Rotate One Bit Right (Memory or Accumulator)
RTI 40 (6) N V - B D I Z C (S)↑ → P, (S)↑ → PCL, (S)↑ → PCH Return From Interrupt
RTS 60 (6) - - - - - - - - (S)↑ → PCL, (S)↑ → PCH, PC + 1 → PC Return From Subroutine
SBC E9 (2) ED (4) FD (4+p) F9 (4+p) E5 (3) F5 (4) E1 (6) F1 (5+p) N V - - - - Z C A - M - (1 - CF) → A Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Borrow
SEC 38 (2) - - - - - - - 1 1 → CF Set Carry Flag
SED F8 (2) - - - - 1 - - - 1 → DF Set Decimal Mode
SEI 78 (2) - - - - - 1 - - 1 → IF Set Interrupt Disable
STA 8D (4) 9D (5) 99 (5) 85 (3) 95 (4) 81 (6) 91 (6) - - - - - - - - A → M Store Accumulator in Memory
STX 8E (4) 86 (3) 96 (4) - - - - - - - - X → M Store Index X in Memory
STY 8C (4) 84 (3) 94 (4) - - - - - - - - Y → M Store Index Y in Memory
TAX AA (2) N - - - - - Z - A → X Transfer Accumulator to Index X
TAY A8 (2) N - - - - - Z - A → Y Transfer Accumulator to Index Y
TSX BA (2) N - - - - - Z - S → X Transfer Stack Pointer to Index X
TXA 8A (2) N - - - - - Z - X → A Transfer Index X to Accumulator
TXS 9A (2) - - - - - - - - X → S Transfer Index X to Stack Pointer
TYA 98 (2) N - - - - - Z - Y → A Transfer Index Y to Accumulator

Illegal instructions

The opcodes in bold are unstable. Only 2 of those 7 opcodes ($8B, $AB) are actually unstable in the sense that they may produce a truly unpredictable result. The other 5 opcodes actually produce predictable results – but the conditions under which they do that and the produced results are a bit unexpected.

Mnemonic Combines Addressing Modes Flags Operation Description
No arg #$nn $nnnn $nnnn,X $nnnn,Y $nn $nn,X $nn,Y ($nn,X) ($nn),Y N V - B D I Z C
ANC (ANC2) AND + ASL/ROL 0B, 2B (2) N - - - - - Z C A ∧ M → A, NF → CF "AND" Memory with Accumulator then Move Negative Flag to Carry Flag
ARR AND + ROR 6B (2) N V - - - - Z C (A ∧ M) / 2 → A "AND" Accumulator then Rotate Right
ASR (ALR) AND + LSR 4B (2) 0 - - - - - Z C (A ∧ M) / 2 → A "AND" then Logical Shift Right
DCP (DCM) DEC + CMP CF (6) DF (7) DB (7) C7 (5) D7 (6) C3 (8) D3 (8) N - - - - - Z C M - 1 → M, A - M Decrement Memory By One then Compare with Accumulator
ISC (ISB, INS) INC + SBC EF (6) FF (7) FB (7) E7 (5) F7 (6) E3 (8) F3 (8) N V - - - - Z C M + 1 → M, A - M → A Increment Memory By One then SBC then Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Borrow
JAM (KIL, HLT) 02, 12, 22,

32, 42, 52,

62, 72, 92,

B2, D2, F2 (X)

- - - - - - - - Stop execution Halt the CPU
LAS (LAR) STA/TXS + LDA/STX BB (4+p) N - - - - - Z - M ∧ S → A, X, S "AND" Memory with Stack Pointer
LAX (LXA) LDA + LDX AB (2) AF (4) BF (4+p) A7 (3) B7 (4) A3 (6) B3 (5+p) N - - - - - Z - M → A, X Load Accumulator and Index Register X From Memory
NOP (DOP, TOP) 1A, 3A, 5A,

7A, DA, FA (2)

80, 82, 89,

C2, E2 (2)

0C (4) 1C, 3C, 5C,

7C, DC, FC (4+p)

04, 44, 64 (3) 14, 34, 54,

74, D4, F4 (4)

- - - - - - - - No operation No Operation
RLA ROL + AND 2F (6) 3F (7) 3B (7) 27 (5) 37 (6) 23 (8) 33 (8) N - - - - - Z C CF ← /M7...M0/ ← CF, A ∧ M → A Rotate Left then "AND" with Accumulator
RRA ROR + ADC 6F (6) 7F (7) 7B (7) 67 (5) 77 (6) 63 (8) 73 (8) N V - - - - Z C CF → /M7...M0/ → CF, A + M + CF → A Rotate Right and Add Memory to Accumulator
SAX (AXS, AAX) STA + STX 8F (4) 87 (3) 97 (4) 83 (6) - - - - - - - - A ∧ X → M Store Accumulator "AND" Index Register X in Memory
SBC (USBC) SBC + NOP EB (2) N V - - - - Z C A - M - ~CF → A Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Borrow
SBX (AXS, SAX) CMP + DEX CB (2) N - - - - - Z C (A ∧ X) - M → X Subtract Memory from Accumulator "AND" Index Register X
SHA (AHX, AXA) STA/STX/STY 9F (5) 93 (6) - - - - - - - - A ∧ X ∧ V → M Store Accumulator "AND" Index Register X "AND" Value
SHS (TAS, XAS) STA/TXS + LDA/TSX 9B (5) - - - - - - - - A ∧ X → S, S ∧ (H + 1) → M Transfer Accumulator "AND" Index Register X to Stack Pointer then Store Stack Pointer "AND" Hi-Byte In Memory
SHX (SXA, XAS) STA/STX/STY 9E (5) - - - - - - - - X ∧ (H + 1) → M Store Index Register X "AND" Value
SHY (SYA, SAY) STA/STX/STY 9C (5) - - - - - - - - Y ∧ (H + 1) → M Store Index Register Y "AND" Value
SLO (ASO) ASL + ORA 0F (6) 1F (7) 1B (7) 07 (5) 17 (6) 03 (8) 13 (8) N - - - - - Z C M * 2 → M, A ∨ M → A Arithmetic Shift Left then "OR" Memory with Accumulator
SRE (LSE) LSR + EOR 4F (6) 5F (7) 5B (7) 47 (5) 57 (6) 43 (8) 53 (8) N - - - - - Z C M / 2 → M, A ⊻ M → A Logical Shift Right then "Exclusive OR" Memory with Accumulator
XAA (ANE) TXA + AND 8B (2) N - - - - - Z - (A ∨ V) ∧ X ∧ M → A Non-deterministic Operation of Accumulator, Index Register X, Memory and Bus Contents

Opcode Matrix

The opcode quadrants are: Control instructions, ALU instructions, Read-Modify-Write instructions. Illegal instructions. The opcodes in bold are unstable.

High nibble Low nibble
0 4 8 C 1 5 9 D 2 6 A E 3 7 B F
0 BRK NOP zpg PHP NOP abs ORA (ind,X) ORA zpg ORA # ORA abs JAM ASL zpg ASL A ASL abs SLO (ind,X) SLO zpg ANC # SLO abs
1 BPL rel NOP zpg,X CLC NOP abs,X ORA (ind),Y ORA zpg,X ORA abs,Y ORA abs,X JAM ASL zpg,X NOP ASL abs,X SLO (ind),Y SLO zpg,X SLO abs,Y SLO abs,X
2 JSR abs BIT zpg PLP BIT abs AND (ind,X) AND zpg AND # AND abs JAM ROL zpg ROL A ROL abs RLA (ind,X) RLA zpg ANC # RLA abs
3 BMI rel NOP zpg,X SEC NOP abs,X AND (ind),Y AND zpg,X AND abs,Y AND abs,X JAM ROL zpg,X NOP ROL abs,X RLA (ind),Y RLA zpg,X RLA abs,Y RLA abs,X
4 RTI NOP zpg PHA JMP abs EOR (ind,X) EOR zpg EOR # EOR abs JAM LSR zpg LSR A LSR abs SRE (ind,X) SRE zpg ASR # SRE abs
5 BVC rel NOP zpg,X CLI NOP abs,X EOR (ind),Y EOR zpg,X EOR abs,Y EOR abs,X JAM LSR zpg,X NOP LSR abs,X SRE (ind),Y SRE zpg,X SRE abs,Y SRE abs,X
6 RTS NOP zpg PLA JMP (ind) ADC (ind,X) ADC zpg ADC # ADC abs JAM ROR zpg ROR A ROR abs RRA (ind,X) RRA zpg ARR # RRA abs
7 BVS rel NOP zpg,X SEI NOP abs,X ADC (ind),Y ADC zpg,X ADC abs,Y ADC abs,X JAM ROR zpg,X NOP ROR abs,X RRA (ind),Y RRA zpg,X RRA abs,Y RRA abs,X
8 NOP # STY zpg DEY STY abs STA (ind,X) STA zpg NOP # STA abs NOP # STX zpg TXA STX abs SAX (ind,X) SAX zpg XAA # SAX abs
9 BCC rel STY zpg,X TYA SHY abs,X STA (ind),Y STA zpg,X STA abs,Y STA abs,X JAM STX zpg,Y TXS SHX abs,Y SHA (ind),Y SAX zpg,Y SHS abs,Y SHA abs,Y
A LDY # LDY zpg TAY LDY abs LDA (ind,X) LDA zpg LDA # LDA abs LDX # LDX zpg TAX LDX abs LAX (ind,X) LAX zpg LXA # LAX abs
B BCS rel LDY zpg,X CLV LDY abs,X LDA (ind),Y LDA zpg,X LDA abs,Y LDA abs,X JAM LDX zpg,Y TSX LDX abs,Y LAX (ind),Y LAX zpg,Y LAX abs,Y LAX abs,X
C CPY # CPY zpg INY CPY abs CMP (ind,X) CMP zpg CMP # CMP abs NOP # DEC zpg DEX DEC abs DCP (ind,X) DCP zpg SBX # DCP abs
D BNE rel NOP zpg,X CLD NOP abs,X CMP (ind),Y CMP zpg,X CMP abs,Y CMP abs,X JAM DEC zpg,X NOP DEC abs,X DCP (ind),Y DCP zpg,X DCP abs,Y DCP abs,X
E CPX # CPX zpg INX CPX abs SBC (ind,X) SBC zpg SBC # SBC abs NOP # INC zpg NOP INC abs ISC (ind,X) ISC zpg SBC # ISC abs
F BEQ rel NOP zpg,X SED NOP abs,X SBC (ind),Y SBC zpg,X SBC abs,Y SBC abs,X JAM INC zpg,X NOP INC abs,X ISC (ind),Y ISC zpg,X ISC abs,Y ISC abs,X
Addressing modes: A - accumulator, # - immediate, rel - relative, zpg - zero page, abs - absolute, ind - indirect. Uncolored cells are illegal opcodes.

Adressing Modes

Addressing Mode Example Operation
Immediate LDA #$EA A ← $EA
Absolute LDA $0314 A ← M($0314)
Absolute,X LDA $0314,X A ← M($0314+X)
Absolute,Y LDA $0314,Y A ← M($0314+Y)
Zeropage LDA $02 A ← M($02)
Zeropage,X LDA $02,X A ← M($02+X)
Zeropage,Y LDA $02,Y A ← M($02+Y)
(Zeropage,X) LDA ($02,X) A ← M(PTR($02+X))
(Zeropage),Y LDA ($02),Y A ← M(PTR($02)+Y)

Block Diagram


  • On NMOS, an indirect JMP will behave unexpectedly when the indirect address crosses a page boundary, because the 6502 does not add the carry to calculate the address of the high byte. For example, JMP ($19FF) will use the contents of $19FF and $1900 for the JMP address. On CMOS, this issue was fixed, at the cost of 1 additional cycle. In our example, JMP ($19FF) will use the contents of $19FF and $2000 for the JMP address.
  • Some instructions, particularly those involving branches or indexed addressing modes, incur an extra cycle if the processor has to cross a memory page boundary. This is problematic for time-sensitive code.
  • Conditional jumps are only 8-bit relative. And unconditional jumps are only 16-bit absolute.
  • LDX absolute,Y and LDY absolute,X instructions exist but not the corresponding instructions STX absolute,Y and STY absolute,X.
  • The CLV (Clear Overflow Flag) instruction exist but not the SEV (Set Overflow Flag) instruction.
  • The ROR instruction didn't exist in the very earliest (pre-1977) chips.
  • The NOP instruction takes 2 full-cycles. This is the minimum amount of cycles an instruction can take.
  • The 65C02 fixed multiple bugs of the original NMOS 6502, but also removed access to all illegal instructions. And it added some extra instructions. In fact, there are multiple implementations of the 65C02 (WDC 65C02, WDC 65C02S, Rockwell R65C02, CSG 65CE02, ...), each with its own variant of the instruction set.
  • The 6502C is a regular NMOS 6502 with an additional HALT pin, used in Atari 8-bit computer range. Not to be confused with the CMOS 65C02.
