From CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia!
This page covers important facts concerning the Amstrad CPC/Plus games. Visit Current_Sources_Of_Software for sources of new games.
With a list of Software houses, and the various and notable technics used in well known games.
For a more complete list of games or game related topics, check the "category:games" (and all its subcategories) at the bottom of this page.
[hide]All games scores as reviewed by Amstrad Action
All-time top games
Article moved here
Software Houses
- A&F Software
- Ace Software
- Activision
- Advanced Software Promotions
- Alligata Software
- Alternative Software
- Americana
- Anco Software
- Anirog
- Argus Press Software
- Ariolasoft
- Artic Computing
- Atlantis Software
- Beau Jolly
- Blaby Computer Games
- Blue Ribbon
- (BES) Bourne Educational Software
- Bubble Bus Software
- Budgie
- Bug-Byte
- Byte Back
- Cascade Games
- CDS Software
- Cobra Soft
- Codemasters
- CP Software
- Cronosoft
- Cult
- Database Software
- Data Media
- Delta Software
- Design Design
- Digital Integration
- Dinamic
- Domark
- Dro Soft
- Durell
- Edisoft
- Electric Dreams
- Electronic Arts
- Elite Systems
- Epyx
- Firebird
- ERE Informatique
- Grandslam
- Gremlin Graphics
- Hewson
- Hi-Tec Software
- Iber Software
- Image Works
- Josh
- Imagine
- Incentive
- Indescomp
- Infocom
- Infogrames
- Interceptor Software
- Kixx
- Konami
- Krisalis
- Kuma Computers
- Loriciels
- Lankhor
- Leisure Genius
- Level 9
- Magic Bytes
- Magnetic Scrolls
- Martech
- Mastertronic
- Melbourne House
- Microids
- Microprose
- Microstyle
- Mikro-Gen
- Micro Power Ltd.
- Mindscape
- Mirrorsoft
- New Age Software
- Ocean
- Opera Soft
- Palace Software
- Players
- Psygnosis
- Radical Software
- Rainbird
- Rainbow Arts
- Romik
- Silmarils
- Silverbird
- Software Projects
- System 3
- The Edge
- The Power House
- Titus Software
- Topo Soft
- Tynesoft
- Ubi Soft
- Ultimate Play The Game
- US Gold
- Virgin Games
- Vortex Software
- Weeske
- WoW Software
- Zeppelin Games
- Zigurat
Copy Protection
Games that can be started by joystick
This is a list of games that can be started from joystick. There are not as many as you would think.
- Anarchy
- Nebulus
- Puzznic
- Ranarama
- Ping Pong
- Donkey Kong
Programming methods used in games
The method of converting game/data from one system to another, often with results that are not as good as if the game had been made/designed for the CPC from the beginning.
Scene conversions
External links
- A look at 464 CPC games by Novabug