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Loriciels (or Loriciel as it was re-branded later) was a French company which started its developments on ORIC computers, hence the name L-ORIC-IELS, a pun as "logiciel" is the french word for "software"
As a French company, they released a lot on Amstrad CPC, and even for the PLUS range, with some (good) Cartridge games.
They also released educational software and serious applications.
They also used Crossdev on many games to get similar graphics on Thomson computers, PC, Atari ST and Amstrad versions.
The company's first name was Loriciels (plural), in 1990 they changed their name to the singular Loriciel version and their logo from the cute white cat to the bad luck black cat.
They went on bankrupt in 1992.
[hide]Hardware Releases for CPC
- Loritel (for french Minitel)
- West Phaser (light gun)
Software Releases for CPC
- 3D Sub
- Le 5eme Axe (The 5th Axis)
- A320
- Atomic Driver
- Automec
- Bactron
- Billy la Banlieue
- Bod Winner
- Bumpy
- Cobra
- Crystann: le donjon de diamant
- D.Day
- Des chiffres et des lettres
- Dianne
- Empire
- Forteresse
- Grand Prix Rally II
- Han d'Islande
- Infernal Runner
- Jim Power in Mutant Planet
- L'aigle d'or
- Le Diamant de l'île Maudite
- Les Hits
- Le Mystère de Kikekankoi
- Le Secret du Tombeau
- Lorigraph
- Maracaibo
- Marché Commun
- Pharaon
- Relief Action
- Sapiens
- Skweek
- Space Racer
- Space Shuttle Simulateur
- Star Trap
- Tony Truand
- Top Secret
- Torann
- Turbo Cup
- Zox 2099
Releases for GX4000/PLUS (cartridges)
- Copter 271 ( Cartridge )
- Super Pinball Magic ( Cartridge )
- Panza kickboxing ( Cartridge )
- Tennis Cup 2 ( Cartridge )
Releases with PLUS features
- http://www.loriciel.net Loriciel fanpage (French)