From CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia!
- Amstrad CPC Memory Engraved Huge collection of documents, manuals, literature, magazines, marketing material and much more
- CPC Archives Collection of documents and tools related to the Amstrad CPC
- Amstrad CPC Manuals Manuals for the games released on the Amstrad CPC
- CPC-Power Collection of most of the software that was ever released. Also includes ROMs and patched versions for programs with bugs.
- CPC Rulez (FR) A great french site, updated frequently, with games, reviews, utilities, type-ins, demos, hardware info. A treasure and a must-visit (french pages can easily be translated with Google translate or similar tools).
- Amstrad ESP (ES) Collection of CPC software downloadable individually with Spanish media and manual
- Crackers Velus (FR) Collection of thousands of CPC games downloadable individually
- CPC Crackers Downloads Collection of thousands of cracked CPC games, sorted by cracking group
- CPC Compactages by CNGsoft CPC softwares compressed in compact archives
- CPCGamesCD ISO containing a Windows launcher and 4429 CPC games included
- Abraxas CPC Collection 1800 titles in dsk and cdt formats on 2 DVDs
- Amstrad Demo Files/Discs Archives Collection of scene artifacts
- Demobase Amstrad CPC [1] Downloadable archive of demos from the CPC demoscene
- Gamebase CPC [2] Amstrad CPC Gamebase by Loic Daneels containing 3300 softwares dumped only from originals and complete with scans, manuals, media, etc...
- Amstrad Mania Amstrad CPC Gamebase by Mark (Sparky) Hardman containing 5782 softwares. Contains a selection of everything: original disk & tape dumps, hacks, cracks and trainers, homebrews
- GoodCPC Downloadable archive of 27103 softwares for the CPC. Tons of duplicates though
- Amstrad CPC TOSEC Downloadable archive of 5575 softwares for the CPC. Dumps are of dubious quality
- Clean CPC DB Based on tosec+cpcpower site. A database that has checked every game so that you don't have to
- Hearto's 1G1R (1game=1rom) collection Tosec 2020-10-31, trimmed manually
- MAME SL ROM Set (Merged) MAME software archives and for Amstrad CPC
- Amstrad CPC Game Collection Downloadable archive of 4242 game files by Ghostware. Lots of duplicates though
- Amstrad CPC ROM set Downloadable archive of 2416 game files by rfl0wpr with no duplicate
- Amstrad CPC cassette images Collection of over 3500 tape-images by VincentGR
- Juegos en MP3 Collection of tape-images in MP3 format
- M4backup by Mr.DVG Collection of 1300 games tested and working with M4 Board
- Epidemiom M4-HFE Collection of 900 games and programs in DSK and HFE for the M4 Board
- Converted GX4000 Software Collection of 1000+ games converted to standard Amstrad cartridges
- CPC Game Reviews Collection of 2400+ CPC games with review and download link. Also contains a collection of advertisements which have been scanned from Amstrad CPC magazines.
- Amstrad Zone Collection of 500+ CPC games with review and download link
- CPC History CPC database listing 3200+ titles
- Moby Games Games database listing 2300+ games for Amstrad CPC
- CPC Roms Collection of 16KB ROM chip games by VincentGR
- CPCWiki Snapshot Archive Collection of game snapshots
- CPC-Power SNR sessions Collection of 400+ SNR game sessions
- Remakes écrans-titres CPC Collection of CPC title screens remake
- Amstrad Museum Screenshots Collection of CPC game screenshots
- The Spriters Resource Collection of sprite sheets ripped from Amstrad CPC games
- CPCMix Collection of thousands of Amstrad music files ripped in ASM and BASIC format
- TopMusic YM Small collection of Amstrad YM music files
- Amstrad Museum Jaquettes All CPC game covers
- Humongous CP/M software archives Collection of the great CP/M repositories past and present
Game Launchers for mass-storage CPCs
- Amsteam Online service that is currently free of charge, but the creator has mentioned that some future games will require payment. To be used on specific Amsteam hardware
- RulezCharge Online service that is free of charge. To be used on M4 Board or CPC Booster. Note: "Charge" means "Load" in french, as in download. It does not mean charging money
- Amstrad M4 Navigation and execution of programs and games from a mobile Android device to an Amstrad CPC equipped with an M4 Board
- M4FE Front-end for the M4 Board available as a ROM
- M4 Explorer Another front-end for the M4 Board. It is not in ROM format. The files are installed on the root of the microSD card
- FileLauncher Front-end for the X-Mass or M4 Board available as a ROM
- LiliCPC Warehouse of thousands of loaders to run the games and applications, organized in intuitive navigation menus to be used on CPC with an ULIfAC or M4 Board
- UniLoad CPC Launcher with 1000+ games included to be used on CPC with any mass-storage expansion supported by UniDOS (M4 Board, X-Mass, Symbiface II, Albireo, etc...). A tool is also provided to create your own game database
- HxC Floppy Emulator Manager CPC front-end for the Gotek floppy drive with HxC or FlashFloppy
- CprSelect Front-end for the C4CPC
Online Emulators
- CrocoDS
- Tiny Emus
- WebGL 3d 8-bit
- 8bitworkshop IDE
- BZH Games Includes ongoing highscore competition
- Amstrad ESP
- Juega Online
- JuegoTk
- Online OldGames
- Emulators Full list of Amstrad CPC emulators
File servers
- LIP6
- CPM - related Amstrad things
- CPC Szene
- Amstrad ServeFTP
- Amstrad Museum GoodCPC DSK full-set
- Two-Mag CPC games
- Amstrad Power folder on MEGA
- IRC channel #cpc-fr on Libera-chat network, french scene channel (replacing #cpc on freenode, #cpc on Neoxys and #cpc on Europnet)
- Newsgroup CSA8
- Amstrad BBS Telnet Bulletin Board System
- Amstrad CPC Engineer (by Fergus Leen) Specialised in Z80 Assembly for the Amstrad CPC
- CPC Z80 Assembly Engineer (by Vassilis N. Perantzakis) Formal, beginner-friendly Z80 assembly guide
- AmstradGpt Get your Amstrad CPC to talk to ChatGPT via a USB to RS232 serial cable
Discord Servers
- Amstrad CPC Community
- (FR)
- NoixDeCroco (FR)
- ASMtrad CPC (FR)
- Orgams
- Praline
- Xyphoe's Amserver
- SymbOS & Quigs
- Rodrik Studio - PicoCPC
Telegram Groups
Facebook Groups
- Amstrad CPC 464 - the biggest and most active english speaking group - not only for 464
- Amstrad CPC 6128
- CPC Legends
- Amstrad GX4000/PLUS Users
- Amstrad CPC/PCW/NC/GX Users
- Amstrad 4Ever
- Amstrad For Everyone - not only CPC
- Amstrad 8bit computers
- Amstrad Collective
- Somos de Amstrad !
- Asociación Amstrad Eterno
- Grupo de Usuarios Amstrad (GUA)
- Amigos y Usuarios de Amstrad (AUA)
- Amstrad CPC User - Italian group
- Amstrad - Schneider CPC - German group
- AMSTRAD.PL - Polish group
- Amstrad CPC Danmark
- Amstrad CPC Türkiye
- Amstrad CPC Greek Community
- Amstrad Cpc Users Group Australia
- Amstrad Belgique
- CPC 464 / 664 / 6128 Old & + / GX4000 - mostly French
- Amstrad CPC pour toujours and beyond
- Amstrad CPC Mémoire Ecrite
- 100% Amstrad CPC
- Amstradiens - the biggest and most active group
Web Forums
- CPCwiki forum
- CPCRulez forum (FR)
- (FR) Old website Previously used the URL
- Amstrad ESP forum (ES)
- forum (DE)
- Amstrad Zone Subsection of
- r/Amstrad Amstrad sub-Reddit
Shops / Groups to buy/sell hardware and games
- Spanish shop
- UK shop
- Sell-My-Retro portal - some sellers including Zaxon sell through this shop
- Sintech some software, 6128/Plus keyboard membranes
- Lotharek's Lair Retro hardware manufacturer
- IcompPlus original new-old-stock Amstrad ICs
- Amstrad for sale Facebook group
- AMIBAY - Hardware For Sale
- AMIBAY - Wanted Hardware
- Amstrad and Co
- Rodrik cartridges Game cartridges 100% compatible with the original
Blogs/Websites of individuals and groups
- G.o.St.-SOFT's CPC-Hardwareführer at 8-Bit-Nirvana (DE) - lots of tips and tricks, but no recent updates
- Virtual Net 96 - Amstrad CPC local network protocol
- Siou's projects - CPCISA and Video digitizer
- - some analysis of Firmware and BASIC logic (and also the video subsystem- hardware)
- Amstrad Today (FR) - Many Tips for Amstrad CPC
- Cent Pour Cent TotO's MX4 hardware expansions
- PulkoTronics PulkoMandy's hardware expansions
- TMTLogic CPC and MSX hardware expansions
- Spinpoint Duke's M4 Board and Imperium Solo hardware
- ikonsgr 80's Home Micros WorkBench CPC, Spectrum, Amiga hardware projects
- ESPsoft (ES) Blog on Spanish homebrews for the CPC.
- Play on retro Homebrew retro games editor
- The Mojon Twins (ES) Homebrew developer group that focuses on creating games for retro systems, among which is the CPC.
- 4MHz Homebrew developer group that focuses on creating games for retro systems that use the Z80 CPU.
- RetroWorks Z80 homebrew games developer
- Altanerus Dog (ES) CPC and PC homebrew games developer
- Homebrew studio that focuses on creating games for retro systems, among which is the CPC.
- Mananuk Homebrew game developer for retro systems, including the CPC
- AmstradGGP Twitter account of this CPC homebrew games developer group
- Zisquier games CPC homebrew games developer
- Prodatron's page (Prodatrons homepage includes info and downloads of his productions as well as a lot of downloads for CPC Digitracker modules (MDL), OCP Art Studio pictures and Scene demos)
- SymbOS Official homepage of the operating system SymbOS
- FutureOS - Official homepage of the operating system FutureOS for the CPC6128 and CPCPlus.
- CPC Freak Homepage of Kevin (arnoldemu) Thacker's CPC productions
- CPC Mania - some tools like CPR tools, CPCDiskXP, CPCTapeXP - plus some technical informations
- Domes-DOS Schneider/Amstrad CPC dedication - Domes-DOS's CPC website in the design of an GT65 green monitor (with download of his DART-logging tool and lots of infos about the CPC series)
- Memory Full All about the CPC demoscene
- 64 NOPs CPC demoscene tech blog
- Les Sucres en morceaux (FR) all the news relating to the productions of "Les Sucres en Morceaux" and many articles relating to the Amstrad CPC.
- Amstrad Museum (FR) Website of the CPC graphic artist Titan
- Barjack (FR) Website of the CPC graphic artist Barjack / Praline
- Batman Group (ES) Twitter account of the Amstrad and Amiga Demogroup Batman Group
- Tom&Jerry GPA (FR) The page of GPA Demogroup
- AST Impact (FR) The page of Impact Demogroup
- Arkos Demogroup - The page of Arkos, with some great demos, diskmags, games and tools.
- Futurs' The page of Futurs' Demogroup
- Logon System The page of Logon System Demogroup
- Benediction The page of Benediction Demogroup
- Vanity The page of Vanity Demogroup
- Shinra The page of Shinra Demogroup
- TAF HQ The page of TAF Demogroup
- BetaSoftCologne's place The page of BSC Demogroup
- NoRecess Blog of NoRecess
- Logon System (FR) Blog of Longshot
- Overflow's RAndom Memory Blog of Overflow
- Mucky Paws The Argonaut blog
- Rétro Poke (FR) Philippe Moulin's CPC programming blog
- Sikorama (FR) Stéphane Sikora's CPC programming blog
- Amstrad Sakis Blog of Sakis
- My Ketchup Is Dead (FR) Blog of RedBug
- Retroblog de BDCIron (FR) Blog of BDCIron
- CheshireCat's basket (FR) Blog of CheshireCat
- Amstrad noob Blog of Niall Brady
Youtube and Twitch
- Noels Retro Lab - lots of hardware related videos, especially repairs
- Amstrad ESP El Amstrad CPC en España
- Novabug - many CPC games
- John Gage - lots of game reviews but a lot of swearing and sound driven heavily into saturation
- Temps Nyx (FR) CPC game reviews
- OursoN Retrogames (FR) CPC game reviews
- Amaury Durand BDCIron's CPC demoscene channel
- Thomas Naslin Oneman's CPC demoscene channel
- Edouard Bergé Roudoudou's channel, including CPC demoscene and long gameplays of adventure games
- Amstrad Maniaque Long Gameplays
- Amstrad CPC World Long Gameplays
- XeNoMoRPH Short Gameplays
- Amstrad Man Short Gameplays
- Orko Ready (FR) Amstrad CPC channel
- DarkArcade (FR) DarkSteph's channel
- Eric Boulat (FR) Ldir Hector's BASIC programming channel
- Nemo 59 (FR) CPC Turbo Pascal programming channel
- Profesor Retroman (ES) CPC GameDev con C y Z80 ensemblador
- Apprendre et programmer des jeux en Assembleur Z80 sur Amstrad CPC (FR) Tutorials by Yreggor
- Amstradiens Amstrad CPC Channel for Amstrad Fans
- Xyphoe - Gaming - almost every week a several hour long live stream on YouTube
- Zisquier (Amstariga) (FR) Lives
- Khomenor (FR) Lives
- JB le Daron (FR) Lives
- Geekorex (FR) Lives
- NoixDeCroco (FR) Lives
Radios and Podcasts
- Roland Radio Stream Icecast2 status Plays 24h the finest Amstrad CPC sounds
- CPC Scene Radio Robust alternative to Roland Radio
- Audiothèque Amstrad Museum CPC tunes in MP3 format
- YM!Rulez Radio Tunes recorded on real CPC hardware
- Amstrad Music Tunes recorded on emulator
- Cepeceros (ES) Tu Podcast sobre juegos de Amstrad CPC
- PODCAmSTrad (ES) El podcast del Amstrad CPC
- Amtix! CPC Fusion CPC
- Colour Personal Computing
- ACUC - Amstrad CPC User Club magazine
- Amstrad Addict
- Amstrad Action
- 64 NOPs
- CPCRulez Scene Papermags Archive
- Crack'n Rom (FR) CPC Fanz Bzh (FR) Le Canard Déchainé (FR) Webzine (FR)
- CoverBook (FR)
- Quasar CPC (FR)
- ùCPM (FR) Disc Missing (FR)
- CPC-Anachronie (FR) Fanzine GX (FR)
- Amstrad Cent Pour Cent (FR)
- Presse Amstrad (FR) Commercial-era Amstrad magazines
- Eight Bit All 8-bit computers, not only Amstrad
- Ces ordinateurs sont dangereux - L'aventure Amstrad (1993) (FR) Written by an employee of Amstrad France
- Queremos su dinero: El hombre tras Amstrad España (2019) (ES) 240-pages hardcover book
- Les pubs de jeux Amstrad (2022) (FR) 160-pages hardcover book
- Memory Full - Une histoire de la demoscene Amstrad CPC (2023) (FR) 180-pages hardcover book
- Nos années Amstrad (2023) (FR) 136-pages book
- Amstrad CPC Forever (2023) (ES) 250-pages hardcover book
- Génération Amstrad CPC (2024) (FR) 536-pages hardcover book
- Marion et les crocodiles d'Amstrad (2024) (FR) The surprising and little-known story of Amstrad France by Gunhed TV
- Alan Sugar - The Amstrad story (1990) Written by David Thomas
- Sir Alan Sugar - The Biography (2009) Written by Charlie Burden
- Books written by Alan Sugar Autobiographies
- The story of Ocean (2017) 268-pages book
- The story of US Gold (2017) 236-pages book
- Ubisoft, 30 ans de création (2016) (FR) 224-pages hardcover book
Technical Documentation
- CPCWiki (20230926) CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia! dumped with wikiteam3 tools
- CPC Books Books and writings about the Amstrad CPC family of computers
- Libros y Manuales (ES) Technical CPC books in Spanish
- User Manual Official Amstrad user manuals
- Soft968: CPC 464/664/6128 Firmware Official developer documentation
- Classeurs Weka (FR) The 1220-pages french reference for CPC developers
- Unofficial WWW Amstrad Resource
- Learn Assembly Programming with ChibiAkumas Multi-platform Z80 tutorial
- ASMtrad CPC (FR) Learn how to code with Z80 Assembler on Amstrad CPC with BDCIron
- Wanna learn assembly? (FR) Learn how to code with Z80 Assembler on Amstrad CPC with Roudoudou
- CRTC Compendium Everything about the CRTC - incl. examples
- Grimware is a really nice site with hardware info and hacks for the CPC machines... give it a try!
- Amstrad Firmware reference Built-in firmware functions explained
- Locomotive BASIC reference Built-in functions and keywords explained
- The Basic Idea Amstrad Basic tutorial by Campursoft
News websites
- Genesis 8 - Genesis 8 is a spartan, but often-updated Amstrad-related news site.
- Crack'n Rom news (FR) News archive from CNR webzine
- Indie Retro News Amstrad CPC news filtering
- Amigos y Usuarios Amstrad (ES) News website that has lessons on software development and hardware restoration. It also has a forum, and reviews on software and hardware.
- Amstrad Power Spanish CPC-related news site.
- The Sugars Annual Amstrad video game awards show by Xyphoe
- Benediction Coding Party Annual Amstrad demoparty organised by Eliot / Benediction
- Amstrad CPC demoparties Listing of demoscene events
- Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge Annual size coding challenge for retro machines including CPC by Logiker
- AMSCII Compo Annual Amstrad ASCII competition by Logiker
- Border 0: Run" CPC high-score gaming competition organised periodically by Jerres12
- CrocoFest Annual gathering of Amstradists and other retro computer users. No game console allowed except the GX4000
- Amstrad Eterno The first Amstrad fair in Spain. Includes the Amstrad Eterno awards ceremony for the best games of the year
- Amstrad Mania Exposition, talks and repair workshop
- Official Amstrad website
- Amstrad Digital Current marketing agency founded by Alan Sugar and led by his grandson
- Amstrad India Official independent Amstrad franchise
- Amstrad Gamebox Review Drama New retrogaming console by Amstrad
- Amstrad store on Amazon (also distributed in French retail stores)
- GitHub #amstrad-cpc GitHub topic filter
- 8 bits de poder (ES) Programación del Amstrad CPC usando la libreria 8BP desde BASIC
- CPCCRACKERS - French site about crackers for the CPC.
- Two-Mag The page of Two-Mag CPC cracker
- Border 0 French site about CPC games
- Programming Turbo Pascal on a CPC! - A collection of Turbo Pascal programs with some CPC Specific programs.
- Oldschool gaming - Games reviews of recent games for the CPC!
- Amstrad Today Homebrew Website dedicated to homebrews for the CPC
- Website devoted to the hardware and software of the oft-neglected games console.
- French website dedicated to the GX4000
- German CPCwiki
- PcwWiki Amstrad PCW / Schneider Joyce wiki
- Micro Men (2009) BBC movie about the rivalry between Sinclair and Acorn in the early 1980's. Alan Sugar briefly appears in the end.
Outdated / abandoned
- AmstradPlus Forum Forever (FR) Broken temporarily?
- - CPC news website in English. Last updated in 2019
- The Amstrad Computer Game Resource Last updated in 2006
- The Snake Becomes the Key is a very nicely-written blog with reviews and thoughts on various CPC games. Last updated in 2007
- CPC Museum (FR) Website dedicated to the Amstrad CPC. Last updated in 2003
- CePeCe (ES) Spanish CPC portal and web-hosting facilities for your CPC webpage.
- Amstradeus (FR) Lots of interviews, manuals for download and much more.
- The CPC Demoscene Optimus website about the CPC demoscene with a list of some of the best CPC demos with reviews and screenshots.
- CPC Zone Home of the Gamebase, the ultimate collection of information (with screenshots, cover scans, reviews etc) on all games CPC. Also home of the Zone Forum.
- 8bit Projects for Everyone - Hardware updates for 8-bit computers, also for CPC
- CPC Hardware (FR) Forum, nice downloads, hardware projects; also an online store for hardware stuff like RS232 interfaces etc.
- CPC-Forum (DE) The new most important discussion forum for the German-speaking part of the CPC scene.
- CPC 6128 Europe European portal.
- CPC Oxygen Home of the same-name great fanzine and AA scan repository.
- Various Amstrad stuff Including instructions on how to fit or connect a 3.5" drive, hot to connect your CPC to your PC and how to transfer files, among others.
- #CPCRetroDev Annual Amstrad CPC game development contest that ran from 2013 to 2023. It is now a GameBoy development contest Source
- Push'n'Pop Amstrad Demoscene.
- CPC scene map