From CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia!
Prodatron (Jörn Mika) bought his Amstrad CPC6128 in 1987 and was active in the CPC scene from 1992 to 1994. He returned to the CPC scene in 2000 and is still working on it for the SymbOS project.
- 21.Century Demo (1992) [1]
- Advanced Demo (1992) [2]
- Alpha Demo (1992) [3]
- Prodatron Megademo (1992) [4]
- Xmas 1992 Party (1992) [5]
- Voyage 1993 Megademo (1993) [6]
- Digital Orgasm (1994) [7]
Disc fanzines
- CPC-Fastloader (1992-1993) [8]
- X-Treme (1993-1994) [9]
Games and utilities
- Apollo 17 mission simulator (1988)
- Sprite Manager (1988)
- Lord of the Rings (by Prodatron) (1988) [10]
- Früchte Fraß (1989)
- CEUS Desktop 2.0 (1990) [11]
- CPC Word (1990-1992) [12]
- Digitracker (1993) [13]
Special projects
- SymbOS Z80 based multitasking operating system (2001-2017) [14]
- SymCommander (2005-2006) [15]
- SymPlay (2006) [16]
- SymSee (2005-2006) [17]
- SymAmp (2005-2017) [18]
- Pocket Calculator (2004-2006) [19]
- SymSnap (2006) [20]
- DiskDeDumper (2005-2006) [21]
- SYMBiFACE II rom manager (2006) [22]
- CPC TREX starter (2006) [23]
- MineSweeper (2005-2006) [24]
- Pac-Man for SymbOS (2006)
- The Rejects (1992)
- BENG! (1992-1993)
- SymbiosiS (since 1993)
- N-Factor (PC only) (1994-1997; [25])