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|[[Amstrad CPC 464 Machine Code]]||Steve Webb||Virgin Books||1985||0-86369-082-3 | |[[Amstrad CPC 464 Machine Code]]||Steve Webb||Virgin Books||1985||0-86369-082-3 | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |[[Amstrad CPC 664 Computing]]||Ian Sinclair||Collins||||0-00-383184-1 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|[[Amstrad Games Book]]||Kevin Bergin - Andrew Lacey||Melbourne House||1985||0-86161-195-0 | |[[Amstrad Games Book]]||Kevin Bergin - Andrew Lacey||Melbourne House||1985||0-86161-195-0 |
Revision as of 14:11, 19 May 2008
This is a list of books around the Amstrad CPC sorted by the language in which they are written.
Title | Authors | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
Amstrad 464/664 & 6128, peeks & pokes | Liesert | Nordic Computer Software | 1986 | 87-7283-008-5 |
AMSTRAD 464/664 & 6128 intern | Brückmann | Nordic Computer Software | 1986 | 87-7283-007-7 |
AMSTRAD 464/664 & 6128 : tips & tricks : en sand guldgrube for brugere af 464/664 & 6128 | Nordic Computer Software | Dullin | 1986 | 87-7283-009-3 |
Amstrad 664/6128, første-bogen en letfattelig indføring i 664/6128 | Szczepanowski | Ringkøbing | 1986 | 87-7283-004-2 |
Amstad Basic | Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff | Borgen | 1985 | 87-418-7530-3 |
AMSTRAD maskinkode | Soeren Grynnerup | Copenhagen Book Centre | 1985 | 87-88739-02-3 |
Amstrad og Commodore : CP/M øvelse | Schieb, Weiler | Nordic Computer Software | 1987 | 87-7283-012-3 |
Brug din Amstrad | John Dewhirst, James Ryan | Teknisk Forlag | 1985 | 87-571-0889-7 |
Computerkunst og grafik | Brück, Axel | Teknisk Forlag | 1987 | 87-571-0981-8 |
Maskinkode med Amstrad | Joern Lorenzen | Borgen | 1985 | 87-418-7533-8 |
Min utrolige Amstrad | Mogens Larsen | 1984 | ||
Programmering med Amstrad | Ian Sinclair | Teknisk forlag | 1985 | 87-571-0909-5 |
Programudvikling på Amstrad | David Lawrence, Simon Lane | Teknisk Forlag | 1986 | 87-571-0913-3 |
Title | Authors | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
100 Programs for the Amstrad CPC 464 664 6128 | Ian McLean - John Gordon | Prentice Hall International | 1985 | 0-13-635004-6 |
40 Educational Games for the Amstrad CPC464 | Vince Apps | Collins | 1984 | 0-00-383119-1 |
40 Educational Games for the Amstrad CPC464 | Vince Apps | Granada Publishing | 1984 | 0-246-12626-4 |
A Child's Guide to the Amstrad Micro | John Dewhirst and James Ryan | Cambridge University Press | 1984 | 0-521-31561-1 |
Advanced Amstrad CPC6128 Computing | Ian Sinclair | Collins | 1986 | 0-00-383300-3 |
Advanced Programming Techniques on the Amstrad CPC 464 | Keith Hook | Phoenix Publishing | 1985 | 0-9465-7632-7 |
Adventure Games for the Amstrad CPC464 | A.J. Bradbury | Collins | 1985 | 0-00-383078-0 |
Adventure Programming on the Amstrad CPC 464 & 664 | Steve Lucas | Argus Books | 0-85242-856-1 | |
Amstrad Advanced Programming Techniques | David Lawrence | Sunshine | 1985 | 0-946408-90-4 |
Amstrad Advanced Users - Guide | Daniel Martin | Glentop | 1986 | 1-85181-018-8 |
Amstrad Communications for CPC & PCW Ranges | Mike James - S. M. Gee | Argus Books | 0-85242-891-X | |
Amstrad Computing | Ian Sinclair | Collins | 1984 | 0-00-383120-5 |
Amstrad Computing | Ian Sinclair | Granada Publishing | 1984 | 0-246-12665-5 |
Amstrad CPC-464 Learning Programs | Tony Noble | Sigma Press | 1985 | 1-85058-019-7 |
Amstrad CPC 464 Machine Code | Steve Webb | Virgin Books | 1985 | 0-86369-082-3 |
Amstrad CPC 664 Computing | Ian Sinclair | Collins | 0-00-383184-1 | |
Amstrad Games Book | Kevin Bergin - Andrew Lacey | Melbourne House | 1985 | 0-86161-195-0 |
Amstrad Graphics - The Advanced User Guide | Robert Ransom | Sigma Press | 1985 | 1-85058-040-5 |
Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner | Joe Pritchard | Melbourne House | 1985 | 0-86161-193-4 |
Amstrad Micro Guide | Peter Morse and Brian Hancock | Century Communications | 1985 | |
Amstrad Whole Memory Guide | Don Thomasson | Melbourne House | 1985 | 0-86161-199-3 |
Amstrads and Artificial Intelligence | Patrick Hall | Sigma Press | 1986 | 1-85058-038-3 |
An Amstrad CPC 464 Compendium | ||||
An Introduction to CP/M Plus on Amstrad Computers | P.K. McBride | Glentop | 1986 | 1-85181-054-4 |
An Introduction to Programming the Amstrad CPC 464 and 6128 | R.A. & J.W. Penfold | Bernard Babani (publishing) Ltd | 1984 | 0-85934-128-3 |
Applications for the Amstrad CPC 464 & 664 | Garry Marshall | Argus Books | 1985 | 0-85242-853-7 |
Assembly Language Programming for the Amstrad CPC 464,664 & 6128 | A.P. & D.J. Stephenson | Argus Books | 1986 | 0-85242-861-8 |
BASIC Programming on the Amstrad | Wynford James | Micro Press | 1984 | 0-7447-0024-8 |
BASIC Programming on the Amstrad Computers | Wynford James | Micro Press | 1985 | 0-7447-0036-1 |
Bells and Whistles on the Amstrad CPC 464 | Jeremy Vine | |||
Brainteasers for the Amstrad | G. Ludinski | Phoenix Publishing | 1985 | 0-9465-7634-3 |
Business Programming on your Amstrad CPC 464 | Peter Jackson | |||
Computer Challenges for the Amstrad | Richard Hurley and David Virgo | Duckworth | 1985 | 0-7156-1979-9 |
CP/M The Software Bus .. A Programmer's Companion | A Clarke, J M Eaton, D Powys-Lybbe | Sigma Press | 1984 | 0-905104-18-8 |
Doing Business with your Amstrad | Clive Gifford | Virgin Books | 1986 | 0-86369-146-3 |
Dynamic Games for the Amstrad | Clive Gifford | Interface Publications | 1984 | 0-947695-16-8 |
Easy Add-On Projects for Amstrad CPC 464,664,6128 and MSX Computers | Owen Bishop | Bernard Babani (publishing) Ltd | 1986 | 0-85934-145-3 |
Filing Systems and Databases for the Amstrad CPC 464 | A.P. Stephenson - D.J. Stephenson | Collins | 1985 | 0-00-383102-7 |
Games and Graphics Programming on the Amstrad Computers | Steve Colwill | Micro Press | 1985 | 0-7447-0032-9 |
Games for your Amstrad | Edward Way | Virgin Books | 1984 | 0-86369-077-7 |
Gateway to Computing with the Amstrad CPC 464 | Ian Stewart | Shiva | ||
Introducing Amstrad CP/M Assembly Language | Ian Sinclair | Collins | 1986 | 0-00-383309-7 |
Introducing Amstrad Machine Code | Ian Sinclair | Collins | 1985 | 0-00-383079-9 |
Introducing the Amstrad CPC 664 | Jennifer & Cameron Procter | Micro Press | 1985 | 0-7447-0037-X |
Machine Code for Beginners on the Amstrad | Steve Kramer | Micro Press | 1984 | 0-7447-0025-6 |
Making Music on the Amstrad CPC 464 & 664 | Ian Waugh | Sunshine | 1985 | 0-946408-82-3 |
Master Machine Code on your Amstrad CPC 464 & 664 | Jeff Naylor - Diane Rogers | Sunshine | 1985 | 0-946408-80-7 |
Mastering Machine Code on your Amstrad | Clive Gifford & Scott Vincent | Interface Publications | 1986 | 0-907563-91-0 |
Music & Sound on your Amstrad | Ian Sinclair | Melbourne House | 1985 | 0-86161-192-6 |
On the Road to Artificial Intelligence : Amstrad CPC 464 | Jeremy Vine | |||
Powerful Programming for Amstrads | W. Johnson | Sigma Press | ||
Practical C | Mark Harrison | Sigma Press | 1985 | 1-85058-035-9 |
Practical Logo on the Amstrad | Martin Sims | Glentop | 1-85181-046-3 | |
Practical Programs for the Amstrad CPC 464 | Audrey Bishop - Owen Bishop | Collins | 1985 | 0-00-383082-9 |
Programming in C on the Amstrad 464-664-6128 | Ian Sinclair | Glentop | 0-907792-86-3 | |
Programming the Amstrad CPC 464 | Richard Meadows | Cassell Computing | 0-304-31250-9 | |
Ready Made Machine Language Routines for the Amstrad | Joe Pritchard | Melbourne House | 1985 | 0-86161-198-5 |
Sensational Games for the Amstrad CPC464 | Jim Gregory | Granada Publishing | 1984 | 0-246-12614-0 |
Sensational Games for the Amstrad CPC464 | Jim Gregory | Collins | 1984 | 0-00-383121-3 |
Simple Applications of the Amstrad CPCs for Writers | W. Simister | Bernard Babani (publishing) Ltd | 1987 | 0-85934-165-8 |
Sixty Programs for the Amstrad CPC 464 | Robert Erskine and Humphrey Walwyn | Pan Books | 1984 | 0-330-28764-8 |
Structured Programming on the Amstrad Computers CPC464,664 and 6128 | Stephen Raven | Micro Press | 1985 | 0-7447-0034-5 |
Subroutines for the Amstrad CPC 464 & 664 | A.P. & D.J. Stephenson | Argus Books | 0-85242-855-3 | |
The Amazing Amstrad Omnibus | Martin Fairbanks | Interface Publications | 1985 | 0-907563-82-1 |
The Amstrad BASIC Idea | Richard Forsyth and Brian Morris | Chapman and Hall / Methuen | 1986 | 0-412-28070-1 |
The Amstrad CP/M Plus | David Powys-Lybbe and Andrew R.M. Clarke | M.M.L. Systems Ltd. | 1986 | 1-86991-000-1 |
The Amstrad CPC-464 Advanced User Guide | Mark Harrison | Sigma Press | 1984 | 1-85058-014-6 |
The Amstrad CPC464 Disc System | Ian Sinclair | Collins | 1985 | 0-00-383177-9 |
The Amstrad Disc Companion | Simon Williams | Sigma Press | 1986 | 1-85058-034-0 |
The Amstrad Games Book | Mark Ramshaw | Pitman Publishing | 1984 | 0-273-02284-9 |
The Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator | Clive Gifford | Interface Publications | 1985 | 0-907563-70-8 |
The Amstrad Program Book | Peter Goode | Phoenix Publishing | 1984 | 0-9465-7624-6 |
The Amstrad Programmer's Guide | Bryan Skinner | Duckworth | 1985 | 0-7156-1984-5 |
The Anatomy of the CPC's | Bruckmann-Englisch-Gerits-Steigers | First Publishing Ltd | 1986 | 0-948015-46-2 |
The CP/M Plus Handbook | Alan R. Miller | Sybex | 1984 | 0-89588-158-6 |
The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Artificial Intelligence : Amstrad BASIC Version | Richard Forsyth, Chris Naylor | Chapman & Hall | 1986 | 0-412-28130-9 |
The Ins & Outs of the Amstrad | Don Thomasson | Melbourne House | 1984 | 0-86161-190-X |
The Working Amstrad | David Lawrence & Simon Lane | Sunshine | 1985 | 0-946408-60-2 |
Understanding and Expanding your Amstrad CPC464-664/6128 | Alan Trevennor | Sigma Press | 1986 | 1-85058-018-9 |
Using Amstrad CP/M Business Software | Ian Sinclair | Collins | 1984 | 0-00-383359-3 |
Using DR LOGO on the Amstrad | Martin Sims | Glentop | 1985 | 0-907792-56-1 |
Using your Amstrad CPC464 (Made Easy) | Garry Marshall | Newtech Publishing | 1984 | 0-09-938800-6 |
Wargaming on the Amstrad CPC 464,664 & 6128 | Owen & Audrey Bishop | Argus Books | 0-85242-888-X | |
Working Graphics on the Amstrad CPC 464 & 664 | James, Gee & Ewbank | Argus Books | 0-85242-874-X | |
Writing Adventure Games on the Amstrad CPC 464 / CPC 664 | Mike Lewis & Simon Price | Melbourne House | ||
Your First Amstrad Program | Rodnay Zaks | Sybex | 1985 | 0-94788-800-4 |
Title | Authors | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
Informatyka Komputerowa - Instrukcja obsługi komputera Amstrad CPC 6128 tom I | - | SOETO | 1987 | |
Informatyka Komputerowa - Instrukcja obsługi komputera Amstrad CPC 6128 tom II | - | SOETO | 1987 | |
Amstrad CPC 6128: Podręcznik Programisty | Adam Krókowski | PU ZSP Politechniki Wrocławskiej | 1987 | |
DR. LOGO dla mikrokomputera AMSTRAD CPC 6128 | Ewa Kołczyk, Helena Krupicka | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | 1988 | |
Wybrane zagadnienia z teorii drgań wraz z programami na mikrokomputer Amstrad 6128 | Bożena Tęczyńska | Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Politechniki Sczecińskiej | 1990 |
Title | Authors | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
AMSTRAD Desensamblado de la Rom y Mapa de Memoria | Don Thomasson | Anaya Multimedia | 1986 | 84-7614-103-3 |
Programacion Avanzada del Amstrad - Descripcion de la ROM. Rutinas y parametros. | Don Thomasson | Anaya Multimedia | 1985 | 84-7614-044-4 |
Rutinas en Lenguaje Maquina para Amstrad | Joe Pritchard | Anaya Multimedia | 1986 | 84-7614-080-0 |
El Libro Gigante de los Juegos para Amstrad | Kevin Bergin - Andrew Lacey | Anaya Multimedia | 1986 | 84-7614-089-4 |
Amstrad CPC 464/664/6128. Manual de Referencia Avanzado( Micromanuales ) | Rafael Sarmiento de Sotomayor | Anaya Multimedia | 1987 | 84-7614-133-5 |
Proyectos de Perifericos para Amstrad y MSX ( Micromanuales ) | Owen Bishop | Anaya Multimedia | 1987 | 84-7614-129-7 |
Amstrad CPC-Hardware | Alan Trevennor | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1986 | 84-86381-19-3 |
Domine el Codigo Maquina en su Amstrad CPC 6128-664-464 | Clive Gifford - Scott Vincent | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1986 | 84-86381-15-0 |
Aprende LOGO con Amstrad. Ficheros en castellano | F. Javier Alvarez | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1986 | 84-86381-16-8 |
Graficos Avanzados con Amstrad | Robert Ransom | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1986 | 84-86381-20-7 |
Programacion Avanzada del Amstrad CPC-464. Guia del Usuario | Mark Harrison | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1985 | 84-86381-01-0 |
Programacion para Superusuarios. Problemas AMSTRAD Soluciones | W. Johnson | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1987 | 84-86381-14-2 |
Guia del Programador CP/M. CP/M Plus 2.2 y 1.4 | A. Clarke / J.M. Eaton / D. Powys-Lybbe | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1986 | 84-86381-18-4 |
Los Ficheros en el Amstrad CPC 464, CPC 664 y CPC 6128 | Victor J. Campo | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1987 | 84-86381-23-1 |
Los Ficheros en el Amstrad PCW 8256/8512 y Mallard BASIC para CPCs. | Victor J. Campo | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1987 | 84-86381-30-4 |
Tecnicas de Programacion Avanzada con AMSTRAD | Keith Hook | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1985 | 84-86381-06-1 |
Rutinas en Codigo Maquina para su Amstrad | Clive Gifford - Scott Vincent | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1986 | 84-86381-12-6 |
Amstrad CPC 464, 664 y 6128 Programacion Estructurada | Stephen Raven | Ra-Ma Editorial | 1985 | 84-86381-09-6 |
CP/M El Libro De Ejercicios Para CPC | Weiler - Schieb | Ferre Moret | 1985 | 84-86437-38-5 |
Peeks Y Pokes CPC 464 / 6128 | Liesert | Ferre Moret | 1985 | 84-86437-34-2 |
El Gran Libro del Floppy CPC 664 / 128 | Brückmann - Schieb | Ferre Moret | 1986 | 84-86437-58-X |
El Lenguaje Maquina para CPC 464, 664 & 6128 | Dullin - Strassenburg | Ferre Moret | 1986 | 84-86437-35-0 |
El Libro de Ideas para CPC 464, 664 & 6128 | Kowal | Ferre Moret | 1985 | 84-86437-47-4 |
El Manual Escolar CPC 464 / 6128 | Werner Voss | Ferre Moret | 1985 | 84-86437-15-6 |
CPC 464 / 6128 Consejos y Trucos | Englisch - Germer - Scheuse - Thrun | Ferre Moret | 1985 | 84-86437-17-2 |
CPC 6128 para Principiantes | Ferre Moret | |||
CPC Consejos y Trucos ( Tomo 2 ) | Dullin - Retzlaff - Schneider - Strassenburg | Ferre Moret | 1986 | 84-86437-56-3 |
El Libro del Amstrad | I. Ramon - P. Buera - V. Trigo | Paraninfo | 1986 | 84-283-1486-1 |
Guia Facil : Amstrad | I. Ramon - P. Buera - V. Trigo | Paraninfo | 1986 | 84-283-1519-1 |
Los Trucos del Amstrad | A. Bellido | Editorial GTS | 1986 | 84-86586-02-X |
Programas Practicos para el Amstrad | D. Lawrence - S. Lane | Editorial Gustavo Gili | 1986 | 84-252-1288-X |
18 Juegos Dinamicos para tu Amstrad | P. Monsaut | Editorial Noray | 1985 | 84-7486-057-1 |
Juegos Sensacionales para Amstrad | J. Gregory | Indescomp | 1985 | 84-86176-21-2 |
40 Juegos Educativos | Vince Apps | Indescomp | 1985 | 84-86176-20-4 |
Codigo Maquina para Principiantes con Amstrad | Steve Kramer | Indescomp | 1985 | 84-86176-24-7 |
Musica y Sonidos con Amstrad | Jeremy Vine | Indescomp | 1985 | 28-86176-29-8 |
Hacia la Inteligencia Artificial con Amstrad | Jeremy Vine | Indescomp | 1985 | 28-86176-28-X |
Tecnicas de Programacion de Graficos en el Amstrad | Wynford James | Indescomp | 1985 | 84-86176-34-4 |
Programando con Amstrad | Ian Sinclair | Indescomp | 1985 | 84-86176-23-9 |
Programacion BASIC con Amstrad | Wynford James | Indescomp | 1985 | 84-86176-25-5 |