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Amstrad Action June 1990 Type-Ins

425 bytes added, 07:35, 13 August 2016
* '''Tunegen:''' Move cursor with cursor keys, press space to place a note; control+right or left arrow flips between pages (there are 10 pages of 80 notes available). F9 increases tempo and F6 decreases it, between 1-150 (fast to slow). Press P to play the tune which will continue to the end of the current page. Delete deletes the note under the cursor. Press S to save music and code up to the page you are on. '''LEAVE NO SPACE BETWEEN NOTES''' or the program will crash.
== Tips ==
* '''Tunegen:''' is a nifty little Interrupt Sound Generator for creating a simple tune, "CALL &8027" starts the tune, "CALL &8020" stops it mid-stride, but how do you stop it when it reaches the end of the musical sequence? Load the resulting BIN file, "POKE &8054,&20", Save, "CALL &8027" to begin tune, when it finds 0, Jumps to routine to stop the tune instead of Jumping to Reinitialise the tune at &809F.
== Download ==