Amstrad Action June 1990 Type-Ins
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The following listings were published in the June 1990 issue of Amstrad Action:
- Bigprint (R Tweedie)
- Push-Pop (George Lovell) NB 6128 only & 128k Required
- Squeeze (Andrew Norris)
- Tunegen (Nicholas Keeling) NB 6128 only
- Bigprint: The program sets up an RSX |BIGPRINT,x,y,@text$,p1,p2. This prints the string text$ at screen coordinates x and y. Pen 1 is the colour for the top half and pen 2 for the bottom.
- Push-Pop: When the program is run a binary file is saved. It can be reloaded with MEMORY &A4FF:LOAD"PUSH-POP",&A500:CALL &A500. Two RSXs are installed; |PUSH,n stores a screen and |POP,n recalls it, where n can be 1-4.
- Squeeze: The program compacts screens (average 25% saving). Instructions given in the program but to reload a file enter MEMORY &3FFF:LOAD"screen.sqz",&4000:CALL &4000
- Tunegen: Move cursor with cursor keys, press space to place a note; control+right or left arrow flips between pages (there are 10 pages of 80 notes available). F9 increases tempo and F6 decreases it, between 1-150 (fast to slow). Press P to play the tune which will continue to the end of the current page. Delete deletes the note under the cursor. Press S to save music and code up to the page you are on. LEAVE NO SPACE BETWEEN NOTES or the program will crash.
- Tunegen: is a nifty little Interrupt Sound Generator for creating a simple tune, "CALL &8027" starts the tune, "CALL &8020" stops it mid-stride, but how do you stop it when it reaches the end of the musical sequence? Load the resulting BIN file, "POKE &8054,&20", Save, "CALL &8027" to begin tune, when it finds 0, routine jumps to stop the tune instead of jumping to reinitialise the tune at &809F.