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8253 chip

462 bytes added, 22:44, 3 September 2010
/* Amstrad Serial Interface */
Clock Input seems to be 2MHz, Clock output goes to a [[Z80-DART/Z80-SIO chip]],
Clock Output may be further divided by 1, 16, 32, or 64 in the DART chip
=== MHT Ingenieros RS232 para Amstrad ===
Used by [[RS-232 para Amstrad]] from MHT Ingenieros, mapped to Ports:
FBDCh - MHT RS232 8253 timer 0 (transmit baudrate)
FBDDh - MHT RS232 8253 timer 1 (receive baudrate)
FBDEh - MHT RS232 8253 timer 2 (used as 1ms timer)
FBDFh - MHT RS232 8253 timer 0-2 control
Clock Input is '''unknown''', Clock output goes to a [[8251 USART chip]],
Clock Output may be further divided by 1, 16, or 64 in the USART chip
=== KDS Serial Interface ===