== KC Compact Tape Connector ==
[[KC Compact]] uses a 5pin DIN connector
1 Cas-Write __ __
2 GND / - \
Shield GND
* Caution: The connector looks same as on CPC, but the Pin-Outs are entirely different, and, Motor On is a TTL output (instead of a Relais)
== Aleste Tape/Sound Connector (female) ==
[[Aleste 520EX]] uses a 5pin female DIN connector
1 Tape In __ __
2 GND / - \
3 Sound Mono-Left | |
4 Tape Out |3 1|
5 Sould Mono-Right \5_2_4/
Shield GND
* The Left/Right pins are actually shortcut with each other on the Aleste mainboard, so sound is mono.
* There is no Tape Motor Control (the corresponding PIO bit is mis-used as Printer Strobe in the Aleste).