Connector:Cassette recorder
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[hide]CPC Tape Connector
External Cassette Connector (CPC 664/6128 only) (5 pin DIN, female)
1 Remote Control __ __ 2 Ground / - \ 3 Remote Control | | 4 Data Input |3 1| 5 Data Output \5_2_4/
- The two Remote Control pins are connected to a relay inside of the CPC, the relay becomes closed when the /Motor On bit in PIO Port C is set to zero, ie. the cassette recorder may use the relay to switch its power supply on and off when Play and/or Record is pressed - this is of course supposed for low-voltages only. You have to connect both pins to the remote connector of the cassette recorder.
- The CPC 6128+ does not include a Cassette Connector.
KC Compact Tape Connector
KC Compact uses a 5pin DIN connector
1 Cas-Write __ __ 2 GND / - \ 3 Cas-Read | | 4 Sound-Mono |3 1| 5 Motor On (TTL) \5_2_4/ Shield GND
- Caution: The connector looks same as on CPC, but the Pin-Outs are entirely different, and, Motor On is a TTL output (instead of a Relay)
Aleste Tape/Sound Connector (female)
Aleste 520EX uses a 5pin female DIN connector
1 Tape In __ __ 2 GND / - \ 3 Sound Mono-Left | | 4 Tape Out |3 1| 5 Sould Mono-Right \5_2_4/ Shield GND
- The Left/Right pins are actually shortcut with each other on the Aleste mainboard, so sound is mono.
- There is no Tape Motor Control (the corresponding PIO bit is mis-used as Printer Strobe in the Aleste).
- According to the Russian User Manual the two Tape pins are NC. They do exist in the schematics though.
External Cassette Ports
- Draysoft Doubler (external tape input, for tape-to-tape transfers)
Connector on Cassette recorder
1 (Left) Input __ __ 2 Ground / - \ 3 (Left) Output | | 4 (Right) Input |3 1| 5 (Right) Output \5_2_4/
On mono cassette recorders, pin 4 and 5 can be missing.
Adapter cable
Computer Recorder +---- 1 Input (l) Output 5 ---------------------+---- 4 (Input r) Ground 2 -------------------------- 2 Ground Input 4 ---------------------+---- 5 (Output r) Remote 1 --------------- +---- 3 Output (l) Remote 3 -------------- \ \ \ \ \--------- 1 Remote-jack \---------- 2 Remote-jack