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938 bytes removed, 8 June
'''COSMOS''' is a personal cost monitoring system written by [[Dimitris KaralisImage:COSMOS_set_up.jpg|right|thumb|250px|COSMOS installation utility]]. It runs under [[CP/M]] 2.2 (v 1.2) and is under development since 2005. The user can track his expenses and organize his costsImage:COSMOS_Initial_Screen. jpg|right|thumb|250px|COSMOS supports the hard disk under CP/M, the mouse, deals with the RAM expansion, includes a user friendly GUI, supports initial screen saver and contains graphics. It runs on 128 kB machines and requires two disc drives. Original disk contains a user friendly setup installation utility.]]
== History =='''COSMOS''' is a personal '''COS'''t '''MO'''nitoring '''S'''ystem programed by [[KSL|KSL]] for the CPC6128 and [[CP/M]]-80 operating system, the latter being the industry standard of the late 70s - early 80s. This budget monitoring system is a business application similar to the MSDOS-era PC applications and one of the most recent (2021) projects developed for CP/M. Unlike most applications for CP/M, COSMOS is built upon the '''mouse based graphics user interface''' as pioneered by Xerox at Palo Alto and popularized by Apple with the Lisa and Macintosh computers. Nowadays, COSMOS can be used on an everyday basis (using [[CaPriCe]] or [[WinCPC]] or a real CPC) in order to edit the daily income, plan the monthly expenses and perform trial and error analyses aiming at maximizing the annual profit. Notice that COSMOS also contains the latest version of [[ASCII Tools]]. <br><br>
=== May 2005 ===COSMOS has been developed on the basis of the hardware peripherals as well as the software that were (contemporary) available for the CP/M and the CPC6128: the 512 KB [[Dobbertin Memory Expansion]], the [[ParaDOS]] or [[X-DDOS]] ROMS for the external (800 KB) floppy drive, the 20 MB [[Dobbertin Harddisc]], the [[Amstrad Serial Interface]], the Amstrad Parallel [[Printer Port]], the [[CTM640/CTM644]] colour monitor, the [[AMX Mouse]], the [[MicroScript]] (142 KB), the [[WordStar]] (706 KB), the [[Protext]] (406 KB), the [[Multiplan]] (208 KB), the [[SuperCalc 2]] (240 KB), the [[DBase II]] (272 KB), the [[DR Draw]] (235 KB), the [[DR Graph]] (306 KB), the [[MAXAM]] (206 KB), the [[Atlast Plus]] (224 KB) and other [[Programming software]]. COSMOS includes its own graphics routines (similar to [[GSX]]), its own graphics screen saver, is based on the [[Dobbertin]] version of CP/M 2.2 (v1.2) which provides 59 KB TPA, supports the RAM expansion and the 20 MB hard disk. <br><br> In addition to the command and chain files, COSMOS original disc also contains the CP/M 2.2 (v1.2) boot sectors as well as an installation utility. By executing the latter utility (A>SETUP) the user can initialize any annual project or start a temporary project in order to become familiar with the COSMOS user interface and functions. Upon installing COSMOS in drive B or HD20 it is suggested to execute COSMOS using all the available extra RAM (no RAM load minimization) and to use a new empty CP/M 2.2 (v1.2) boot disk in drive A as the redundant disk. A full annual project of COSMOS, including the user attachments, the user block of invoices, the summary files as well as the user agenda notices requires minimum 350 KB of disc space. <br><br> As far as the controls are concerned, '''Cursor keys''' or '''Mouse''' can be used in order to control the pointer. '''[F0]''' key simulates the left button of the mouse, whereas '''[F.]''' key simulates the right button of the mouse. Left button can be used for (Yes), whereas the right button can be used for (No),(Next) or (On-Board) help. ESC key can be used to quit. <br><br>
* Starting To download the final version of COSMOS coding during Military Service(v.27) use the link located at the bottom of this page. Boot CP/M 2.2 v1.2 using the original COSMOS disk and execute A>SETUP.COM.
==Download = January 2006 === * COSMOS first release (v.18) * === June 2006 === * Improved COSMOS documentation* COSMOS OverView added in COSMOS Tools* Transfer function added in OverView module (Overview -> Month processor)* Number of hits added in search (SRC) module* New editor added for user attachments (NotePad-like)* Added support for attachments: *.ATT extension files only* Added the ability to modify text attachments with built in editor (ATT files)* All in-progress ASCII bars converted to real graphic bars* Verification of Cost matrix added in tools module* Improved speed for SUM module* Option added for <End Of Month> Calculations and 2D Graph* Added the ability to install COSMOS in HD-0 (Dobbertin/Vortex/Campursoft ?)* Small graphic icons added at specific procedures and locations* Option for 5 sequential inputs added in month processor (instead of calc.)* Annual agenda module included in COSMOS OverView (view and edit)* Full Agenda Search support added in search module* Individual Annual Agenda module added (this requires a lot of memory...)* Improved Month editor* Alarm signal added in SUM module* Warning Meassages added in case of negative cash availability* Optimized Ram Expansion management for multiple projects* COSMOS second release (v.19)! === July 2007 === * Improved Verify procedure to check Net annual costs and income* Skip Option added in SUM module providing faster execution time* Save icon added in advanced mode (3.5" disc)* Printer support for TXT review file (instead of using CP/M PIP)* Printer function checked with EPSON Stylus Color 640 printer and Hewlett Packard B/W Laser printer. EPSON EPL-6200L Laser printer does not work properly.* Auxiliary logical device support for review file (PUN: and RDR:)* Improved Agenda editor* In-progress bars added while Printing or transferring* Left margin added on printed hard copy in SUM print function* All CRT frames and logos tuned for reasons of uniformity* Calculation of maximum profit added in SUM module* Previous year residual added in TXT review file* VDU bugs fixed in Overview, Annual and Constant module* Help modules homogenized in one executable* All modules renamed for easier backup using wild cards (module.*)* Improved management of temporary files* Free disk space and free RAM space added* Added control of destination disk space in Setup* Each comment variable size reduced by 1 byte* Day and Date added in Agenda in Overview module* Graphic bar added in month module* Sequantial month analysis added for faster processing* Added comments length check* New low level routines added (some provided by Werner Cirsovius :) )* New TAX module added to control TAX* Virtual matrices reduced to allow COSMOS execution in 169 kB disks* Alert function implemented in COSMOS Main, Overview, Agenda and SUM* Code checked for its validity for more than 2 years on a daily basis* Automatic tracking of income or expenses added in Search module* COSMOS third release (v.20) == Plans for the future == * Upcoming next release v.21 - Fall of 2008 !* Improving software performance, speed and Graphics User Interface* Improving management of TPA, disc space and RAM Extension* System bug fixed (drive B: wrong free disk space in Tools in v.20)* Adding user defined delay parameter in SUM module* Implementing escape function using ESC key* Improving SETUP installation utility (added Name day generator)  == User manual == * [ Cosmos 2.0 user manual (at] == Web links == * [http:php// Download site]* [httpFile:// Download Cosmos 1.8 directly]* [ Download Cosmos 2.0 (at CPCWiki]