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66 bytes removed, 13:42, 8 June 2024
In addition to the command and chain files, COSMOS original disc also contains the CP/M 2.2 (v1.2) boot sectors as well as an installation utility. By executing the latter utility (A>SETUP) the user can initialize any annual project or start a temporary project in order to become familiar with the COSMOS user interface and functions. Upon installing COSMOS in drive B or HD20 it is suggested to execute COSMOS using all the available extra RAM (no RAM load minimization) and to use a new empty CP/M 2.2 (v1.2) boot disk in drive A as the redundant disk. A full annual project of COSMOS, including the user attachments, the user block of invoices, the summary files as well as the user agenda notices requires minimum 350 KB of disc space. <br><br> As far as the controls are concerned, '''Cursor keys''' or '''Mouse''' can be used in order to control the pointer. '''[F0]''' key simulates the left button of the mouse, whereas '''[F.]''' key simulates the right button of the mouse. Left button can be used for (Yes), whereas the right button can be used for (No),(Next) or (On-Board) help. ESC key can be used to quit. <br><br>
'''To download the final version of COSMOS (v.27/November 2021) use the link located at the bottom of this page.''' <br>'''Boot CP/M 2.2 v1.2 using the original COSMOS disk and execute A>SETUP.COM.''' <br><br> The project is completed.
== Download ==