/* Why ZX-Uno platform */
==== low-cost FPGA ====
==== simple and over-documented ====
As the original, it is using simple components.:===== * simple VGA =====It : it is using a 640x480 centered VGA display at 60Hz. As the VGA hello world.
A special RAM is used to be written at the Z80 speed and readden at VGA speed.
Pressing "page-up" a long time does a sort of "random disk insert".
==== Xilinx schematics ====
Schematics, as on original, are quite small, except the motherboard on that is comparable to original CPC motherboard schematic.
==== fork and merge ====
This version of FPGAmstrad is a 2011's fork of NEXYS2's FPGAmstrad, merged with '''last validated components ''' of MiST-board version.This way no useless options are added, and the source code stay clear !