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Alphabetical list of CPC peripherals.
Go to the Peripherals page to get other details and thematic classifications.
This Category actually welcome everything that can be connected to a CPC, with a preference for Official and commercially available stuffs.
The Homebrew stuff may be found at DIY though.
Check all the Subcategories for more specific classifications.
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Pages in category "Peripherals"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 279 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- ABBA switch
- Action Replay
- Action Replay AMX
- ACU Real Time Clock (DIY)
- ACU Romboard (DIY)
- Albireo
- Ambug
- Amdrum
- Amsteam
- Amstore
- Amstrad Analogue Joystick AJ-5
- Amstrad Autofire Interface and Combined Mouse Interface
- Amstrad DMP1 printer
- Amstrad External Disk Drive
- Amstrad JY-1/JY-2 joysticks
- Amstrad LP-1 light pen
- Amstrad MP1/MP2 modulator
- Amstrad MPV 001 modulator
- Amstrad ROM Expander
- Amstrad Serial Interface
- Amstrad SSA-1 Speech Synthesizer
- Amstrad/Schneider DMP2000 Printer
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Buttons and DIP Switches
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Character Sets
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Control Codes
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Models
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Resources
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Support for 7bit Printer Ports
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Technical Specifications
- AMX Mouse
- Analog Joysticks
- ANTA 64K Memory Expansion
- ARA Video Digitizer
- Atari-ST mouse adapter
- Campursoft Hard Disc
- Campursoft ROM Board
- Cartridge Emulator
- Cheetah rotary joystick
- Cirkit Prestel Link Amstrad Interface
- Cirkit serial interface
- CM14
- Commstar v21/23 modem
- Connector:2nd disc drive (CPC664, CPC6128, CPC6128+)
- Connector:Analogue joystick (CPC Plus only)
- Connector:Aux socket (CPC Plus only)
- Connector:Cartridge Slot (CPC Plus only)
- Connector:Cassette recorder
- Connector:Digital joystick
- Connector:Expansion port
- Connector:Monitor
- Connector:Printer port
- Connector:Stereo sound
- CPC 6320 / CPC 6512 - internal 320K / 512K for CPC 6128
- CPC Booster
- CPC-ENet
- CPC-Mousepack 2.0
- CPC.Flash
- CPCI RS232 Interface
- CPCKey
- CPCMax!
- CTM640/CTM644
- Cumana 3" Disk Drive
- Dandanator
- Dart Light Pen
- Dart Scanner for DMP-Printers
- Data Media Disc System
- Data Media Memory Expansion
- Data Research CH301S modem
- Datapen
- Datel Digital Sound Sampler
- DCP Interpacks
- DDI-1 with 64 KB
- Demon Development Cartridge
- Digiblaster
- Digital Joystick Related
- Digital Joysticks
- Digitelec DTL 2000/2100 Modem
- Digivox sampler
- Disc Wizard
- Disk drives
- DIY Cartridge
- DIY Plus Tape Socket
- Dk'tronics Lightpen
- Dk'tronics memory expansion
- Dk'tronics Mouse Interface
- Dk'tronics Real Time Clock
- Dk'tronics Speech Synthesizer
- Dk'tronics TV Tuner
- DMP2160
- DMP3000
- DMP3160
- Dobbertin EPROM 224
- Dobbertin Harddisc
- Dobbertin Memory Expansion
- Dobbertin Smart Watch
- Draysoft Doubler
- Drive Compatibility
- Maestro
- Maplin ROM Box
- Maplins 8bit Input Port
- Maplins Weather Satellite Receiver
- Marconi
- MegaFlash
- MegaROM
- MHT Speech Synthesizer
- Microgenic EPROM Programmer
- Microgenic ROM Board
- Microstyle RAMROM
- Mirage Imager
- MM12
- Monitor compatible
- MP-3
- MP2F
- MPS Modulator
- Multiface II
- Multiface III
- MultiPlay
- Music Machine
- Mélodie
Media in category "Peripherals"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.