,/* Oddities */
* While the syntax of ADD, ADC and SBC instructions all explicitely mention the A register, the SUB instruction does not mention it.
* The 16-bit commands ADD HL,ss, ADC HL,ss and SBC HL,ss exist but not the command SUB HL,ss.
* INI/IND/INIR/INDR decrease B after storing the byte from the hardware port into memory. And OUTI/OUTD/OTIR/OTDR decrease B before sending the memory byte to the hardware port. [ Source]
* When an LDxR / CPxR / INxR / OTxR instruction is interrupted, the interrupt handler sees some flags in a different state. [ Source]
* NMOS Z80 suffers a problem whereby LD A,I and LD A,R record the state of IFF2 after it has been reset if an interrupt is delivered during that instruction. [,I_and_LD_A,R_bug Source]