News:Burgparty 2 will take place in december in Germany

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The Freusburg in Kirchen/Germany

03. September 2006

While the Mittwintermeeting 1 was the first german CPC party of 2006, the Mittwintermeeting 2 will be the last one of this year.

Where and When?

It will take place...

  • Location: Kirchen (Sieg)
  • Start: Friday, 01.12.2006
  • End: Sunday, 03.12.2006

The location is the Freusburg in Kirchen, which is an old castle from the middle age. This castle is now used as a youth hostel, which has some very big advantages for beeing a party place. Kirchen itself is close to Siegen (one hour from Cologne in east direction).


Like last time the party will feature a complete all-inclusive-package:

  • Breakfast and lunch at saturday and sunday
  • Dinner at saturday
  • a real bed for the two nights
  • and of course a very nice historical environment ;-)

...for the costs of about 48 Euros.

Costs and Registration

Unfortunately that also means, that we have to pay the costs for the youth hostel again in advance. So it is necessary, that all registered persons have to transfer the money even in advance to the organisators Bankaccount.

As the Internet is a very insecure place, we can not place a Bank-address inhere public :-/ So please send an eMail to > drzed A T ngi D O T de < if you want to registrate yourself for the Burgparty II. ASAP after i got your eMail, i'll send you my bank-account, so that you can transfer the above-mentioned 48 Euro onto it. Please use "BurgPartyII Registration, %your-name%" as the Subject in your Registration-eMail!

For questions you also may contact Prodatron: mika A T prodatron D O T net

The deadline for the registrations is the 18.09.2006. We can't guarantee to accept later registrations, as the managers of the youth hostel force us to pay one week after the reservation.

Web links

Expected participants
