Z80 - undocumented opcodes
The Z80 CPU contains several undocumented opcodes, which can be quite helpful sometimes. The most useful undocumented opcodes are probably these ones, which split up the 16bit index registers IX and IY in 8bit registers called IXL,IXH,IYL and IYH.
Please note, that many Z80 successors like the Z180 are NOT able to execute some of the following opcodes properly.
This is just an overview. Parts of this article have been copied from the "The Undocumented Z80 Documented" by Sean Young, which is one of the most comprehensive description.
CB prefix
The following commands set the lowest bit to 1 instead to 0:
DD and FD prefixes
The DD/FD prefixes replace the registers L, H or HL with IXL/IYL, IXH/IYH or IX/IY.
ED prefix
There are a number of undocumented EDxx instructions, of which most are duplicates of documented instructions. Any instruction not listed has no effect (same behaviour as 2 NOP instructions).
The complete list except for the block instructions:
ED40 IN B,(C) ED60 IN H,(C) ED41 OUT (C),B ED61 OUT (C),H ED42 SBC HL,BC ED62 SBC HL,HL ED43 LD (nn),BC ED63 LD (nn),HL ED44 NEG ED64 NEG * ED45 RETN ED65 RETN * ED46 IM 0 ED66 IM 0 * ED47 LD I,A ED67 RRD ED48 IN C,(C) ED68 IN L,(C) ED49 OUT (C),C ED69 OUT (C),L ED4A ADC HL,BC ED6A ADC HL,HL ED4B LD BC,(nn) ED6B LD HL,(nn) ED4C NEG * ED6C NEG * ED4D RETI ED6D RETN * ED4E IM 0 * ED6E IM 0 * ED4F LD R,A ED6F RLD ED50 IN D,(C) ED70 IN (C) / IN F,(C) * ED51 OUT (C),D ED71 OUT (C),0 * ED52 SBC HL,DE ED72 SBC HL,SP ED53 LD (nn),DE ED73 LD (nn),SP ED54 NEG * ED74 NEG * ED55 RETN * ED75 RETN * ED56 IM 1 ED76 IM 1 * ED57 LD A,I ED77 NOP * ED58 IN E,(C) ED78 IN A,(C) ED59 OUT (C),E ED79 OUT (C),A ED5A ADC HL,DE ED7A ADC HL,SP ED5B LD DE,(nn) ED7B LD SP,(nn) ED5C NEG * ED7C NEG * ED5D RETN * ED7D RETN * ED5E IM 2 ED7E IM 2 * ED5F LD A,R ED7F NOP * * = undocumented opcodes
DDCB prefix
The undocumented DDCB instructions store the result (if any) of the operation in one of the seven all-purpose registers, which one depends on the lower 3 bits of the last byte of the opcode (not operand, so not the offset).
000 B 001 C 010 D 011 E 100 H 101 L 110 (none: documented opcode) 111 A
The documented DDCB0106 is RLC (IX+01h). So, clear the lower three bits (DDCB0100) and something is done to register B. The result of the RLC (which is stored in (IX+01h)) is now also stored in register B. Effectively, it does the following:
LD B,(IX+01h) RLC B LD (IX+01h),B
So you get double value for money. The result is stored in B and (IX+01h). The most common notation is: RLC (IX+01h),B
I’ve once seen this notation:
RLC (IX+01h) LD B,(IX+01h)
That’s not correct: B contains the rotated value, even if (IX+01h) points to ROM. The DDCB SET and RES instructions do the same thing as the shift/rotate instructions:
DDCB10C0 SET 0,(IX+10h),B DDCB10C1 SET 0,(IX+10h),C DDCB10C2 SET 0,(IX+10h),D DDCB10C3 SET 0,(IX+10h),E DDCB10C4 SET 0,(IX+10h),H DDCB10C5 SET 0,(IX+10h),L DDCB10C6 SET 0,(IX+10h) - documented instruction DDCB10C7 SET 0,(IX+10h),A
So for example with the last instruction, the value of (IX+10h) with bit 0 set is also stored in register A.
The DDCB BIT instructions do not store any value; they merely test a bit. That’s why the undocumented DDCB BIT instructions are no different from the official ones:
DDCB d 78 BIT 7,(IX+d) DDCB d 79 BIT 7,(IX+d) DDCB d 7A BIT 7,(IX+d) DDCB d 7B BIT 7,(IX+d) DDCB d 7C BIT 7,(IX+d) DDCB d 7D BIT 7,(IX+d) DDCB d 7E BIT 7,(IX+d) - documented instruction DDCB d 7F BIT 7,(IX+d)
FDCB prefix
Same as for the DDCB prefix, though IY is used instead of IX.
Web links
"The Undocumented Z80 Documented" by Sean Young at Robsy's MSX Workshop