ACID Reverse Engineering
Desoldered ASIC chip from Fano's cartridge (thanks, Fano), attached to PC's parallel printer port:
ACID PC CLK ---- Strobe CCLR ---- Init SIN ---- Busy /OE ---- Select A0..A7 ---- Data 0..7 GND,5V ---- GND,5V
- Original messy circuit
This is original circuit, assembled while I was visiting my parents. I couldn't find a 36pin centronics socket, only a (very) old 25pin RS232 cable, so I needed to use that.
- Newer clean circuit
When I came back home, I wrecked the original circuit, and made a miniaturized adapter with robust centronics socket. Not that I'd still really needed it - I've been already done with the rev engineering at that time - I just don't like messy cables.