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Game Launchers for mass-storage CPCs
  • Amsteam Online service that is currently free of charge, but the creator has mentioned that some future games will require payment. To be used on specific Amsteam hardware
  • RulezCharge Online service that is free of charge. To be used on M4 Board or CPC Booster. Note: "Charge" means "Load" in french, as in download. It does not mean charging money
  • Amstrad M4 Navigation and execution of programs and games from a mobile Android device to an Amstrad CPC equipped with an M4 Board
  • M4FE Front-end for the M4 Board available as a ROM
  • M4 Explorer Another front-end for the M4 Board. It is not in ROM format. The files are installed on the root of the microSD card
  • FileLauncher Front-end for the X-Mass or M4 Board available as a ROM
  • LiliCPC Warehouse of thousands of loaders to run the games and applications, organized in intuitive navigation menus to be used on CPC with an ULIfAC or M4 Board
  • UniLoad CPC Launcher with 1000+ games included to be used on CPC with any mass-storage expansion supported by UniDOS (M4 Board, X-Mass, Symbiface II, Albireo, etc...). A tool is also provided to create your own game database
  • HxC Floppy Emulator Manager CPC front-end for the Gotek floppy drive with HxC or FlashFloppy
  • CprSelect Front-end for the C4CPC

Online Emulators

File servers


  • IRC channel #cpc-fr on Libera-chat network, french scene channel (replacing #cpc on freenode, #cpc on Neoxys and #cpc on Europnet)
  • Newsgroup CSA8
  • Amstrad BBS Telnet Bulletin Board System

Discord Servers

Telegram Groups

Facebook Groups

Web Forums

Shops / Groups to buy/sell hardware and games

Blogs/Websites of individuals and groups


  • ESPsoft (ES) Blog on Spanish homebrews for the CPC.
  • Play on retro Homebrew retro games editor
  • The Mojon Twins (ES) Homebrew developer group that focuses on creating games for retro systems, among which is the CPC.
  • 4MHz Homebrew developer group that focuses on creating games for retro systems that use the Z80 CPU.
  • RetroWorks Z80 homebrew games developer
  • Altanerus Dog (ES) CPC and PC homebrew games developer
  • Homebrew studio that focuses on creating games for retro systems, among which is the CPC.
  • Mananuk Homebrew game developer for retro systems, including the CPC
  • AmstradGGP Twitter account of this CPC homebrew games developer group
  • Zisquier games CPC homebrew games developer
  • Prodatron's page (Prodatrons homepage includes info and downloads of his productions as well as a lot of downloads for CPC Digitracker modules (MDL), OCP Art Studio pictures and Scene demos)
  • SymbOS Official homepage of the operating system SymbOS
  • FutureOS - Official homepage of the operating system FutureOS for the CPC6128 and CPCPlus.
  • CPC Freak Homepage of Kevin (arnoldemu) Thacker's CPC productions
  • CPC Mania - some tools like CPR tools, CPCDiskXP, CPCTapeXP - plus some technical informations
  • Domes-DOS Schneider/Amstrad CPC dedication - Domes-DOS's CPC website in the design of an GT65 green monitor (with download of his DART-logging tool and lots of infos about the CPC series)



Youtube and Twitch

Radios and Podcasts



Technical Documentation

News websites



Outdated / abandoned


  • CePeCe (ES) Spanish CPC portal and web-hosting facilities for your CPC webpage.
  • Amstradeus (FR) Lots of interviews, manuals for download and much more.
  • The CPC Demoscene Optimus website about the CPC demoscene with a list of some of the best CPC demos with reviews and screenshots.
  • CPC Zone Home of the Gamebase, the ultimate collection of information (with screenshots, cover scans, reviews etc) on all games CPC. Also home of the Zone Forum.
  • 8bit Projects for Everyone - Hardware updates for 8-bit computers, also for CPC
  • CPC Hardware (FR) Forum, nice downloads, hardware projects; also an online store for hardware stuff like RS232 interfaces etc.
  • CPC-Forum (DE) The new most important discussion forum for the German-speaking part of the CPC scene.
  • CPC 6128 Europe European portal.
  • CPC Oxygen Home of the same-name great fanzine and AA scan repository.
  • Various Amstrad stuff Including instructions on how to fit or connect a 3.5" drive, hot to connect your CPC to your PC and how to transfer files, among others.
  • #CPCRetroDev Annual Amstrad CPC game development contest that ran from 2013 to 2023. It is now a GameBoy development contest Source
  • Push'n'Pop Amstrad Demoscene.
  • CPC scene map