CPC related news
- 05/11/2008: New PSPCap32 version, with cheat support and memory monitor!
- 17/09/2008: New CPCGamesCD release..
- 07/09/2008: Woo-hoo! CPC Sudoku released!!!
- 01/09/2008: Winape 2.0b17 released!
- 24/08/2008: The CEZ GS Virtual shop is open, featuring several Amstrad CPC titles for sale, including El Paciente 106 and the CEZ Collection vol. 1 pack in physical 3" disk format.
- 24/08/2008: StarSabre and Balloonacy released on tape from Cronosoft @ £2.99 each (£1 goes to the author)!
- 22/07/2008: New demo release! :)
- 21/07/2008: Devilmarkus released an AMAZING 3D model of a 464+monitor
- 12/07/2008: Alan Sugar resigns as AMSTRAD chairman
- 02/07/2008: dsktools 0.2.2 is out. Support writing to side B and retry when there is a read/write fail. [1]
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What is the Amstrad CPC about?
Did you know?
- When the 664 was being developed, Sugar was already looking (and hinting publicly!) at the 6128
- The CPC 472 was a model released in Spain with an extra unsoldered 8K of RAM to circumvent the law that stipulated a spanish keyboard for all machines with up to 64KB memory
- With a possible total amount of 768 x 270 pixel (540 interlaced) the CPC was the 8 bit homecomputer with the highest screen resolution ever.
- OpenOffice for Windows/Linux is a direct descendant of StarWriter for the CPC.
- The transfer speed of the CPC Booster + serial interface is faster than a standard DSL connection.
- SymbOS can handle more than 50 times bigger hard discs than MS Windows 95A.
- FutureOS can load 178 KB in 9 seconds from floppy disc.
CPCWiki updates
- 26/07/08: Edit new pages: FIXED; big file upload: FIXED; multiple file upload: REENABLED; rich text editor: REENABLED; video embedding: REENABLED! All problems fixed? :)
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