Cirkit serial interface
From CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia!
Reportedly, it did "flourish", but almost nothing else is known.
- Some information fragments are here: Cirkit.
- I/O ports are unknown...?
- Chipset: uses 8251 UART (according to the advert)
- Note - Cirkit reportedly also made a "Twin-port" serial interface (which probably used other chipset)
- None such...?
Specs (from advert)
- Fully compatible with the CPC464, CPC664 and CPC6128.
- Plugs into Disk Drive, through Bus Connector for Disk Drives and other peripherals.
[Note: On the CPC 464, the "Expansion Port" was called "Floppy Port", this is probably what is meant by "into Disk Drive"]
[Note: The photo in advert seems to be a fake. It looks like a 2x28 pin expansion for Sinclair Spectrum, re-badged as Amstrad Interface for the advert] - Can be used to interface to other RS232 devices, such as Modems, Plotters and Printers.
- Baud rates supported 75/1200, 1200/1200 and 300/300
- INPUTS:- Data, one handshake - RS232 compatible
- OUTPUTS:- Data, one handshake - +5 volt positive going Works with all TTL level inputs and most RS232 devices.
- All interface features are software addressable, uses 8251 UART.
- Supplied with full RSX drivers, which may be used in your own programs.
- Not directly compatible with Amstrad CPM.
- Extensive documentation about interface and RSX's supplied on cassette.