Croco Chanel N°4
From CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia!

by Fafa
Croco Channel Meeting N°4 Near Paris from 4,5 & 6 May 2007 (friday 14h to monday 10h) !
The fourth edition of the Croco Channel Meeting will take place near Paris (60Km) at Laigneville (Oise). You can join the party place by walking 15 minutes from the train station.
If you are interested to come, drop a mail now to Candy of Overlanders to give him what dates are the best for you or ask any further information : broudin (dot) sebastien (at) laposte (dot) net
- Croco Chanel #4 participants list :
- France
- Asphyx of ACiD
- Ast of Impact and ex-Ast System
- Barjack of Futur's
- Beb of Overlanders
- Candy of Overlanders
- Cjc of Croco Computer Club
- Cmp of Impact and ex-Paradox
- Cracky of Mortel
- Dada of Hard'OS
- Denis
- Demoniak
- Digit of Logon System
- Dracula of Mortel
- Eliot of Benediction
- Epsilon of Power System
- Fenyx Kell
- Fred Crazy of Logon System
- Grim of Arkos
- Hermol
- Hicks of Another World
- Jamian
- Kaneda of Mortel
- Ker
- Kris
- Longshot of Logon System
- Madram of Overlanders
- Overflow of Logon System
- Plissken of Revival
- Poum of ex-french magazine Amstrad Cent Pour Cent
- Power
- Rainbow Software
- Ramlaid of Arkos
- Rubi of Logon System
- Roudoudou of Flower Corp.
- Septh of ex-french magazine Amstrad Cent Pour Cent
- Shap of Overlanders
- Sid of Impact
- Slash of Logon System
- Supersly
- Targhan of Arkos
- Tenebros of GPA
- Tom et Jerry of GPA
- Toms of Another World
- Tronic of GPA
- Two Mag of GPA
- Germany
- Prodatron of SymbiosiS
- Tolkin of Future Soft
- France
One of the coolest CPC meeting is back ! Be there !
Some pictures of Croco Chanel N°1, Croco Chanel N°2 and Croco Chanel N°3