
Locomotive BASIC

1,187 bytes added, 06:49, 14 September 2006
/* Added som more basic commands expl.*/
: Clears all variables from memory, leaving the program in memory unchanged. All open files are abandoned.
;CLG[ink]: [Clears the graphics screen to colour specified by ink.If parameter ink is not specified them the graphics screen is cleared to the colour specified by the GRAPHICS PAPER statement..]
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: Disables interrupts (but not[ESC]) until re-enabled by EI command or by RETURN at end of an interrupts service routine...] 
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;DRAWx,y [,[i1][,i2]]: [Draws a line from the current cursor position to position x,y.i1 specifies colour, i2 is the logical colour..]<pre>i2 = 0 normal colour i2 = 2 AND colouri2 = 1 XOR colour i2 = 3 OR colour</pre>::''Example:''::CLG 2::DRAW 500,400,0 - draws a line from 0,0 to 500,400 ;DRAWRxr, y2, [[i1][,i2]]: [Draws a line from current graphics cursor position to current cursor x position + xr, current cursor y position + yr.i1 and i2 as DRAW..]::''Example:'':: Move 200,200:: DRAWR 100,100,0 - draws a line from 200,200 to 300,300 
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: [...]Enable interrupts which have been disabled by DI 
: [...]Indicates end of program 
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 ;ERASEv[$(i1[,i2]): [Clears the contents of an array that is no longer required...] 
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 ;ERRORi: [Returns the error message whose error code number is i...] 
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;FILLi: [Fills an area of a graphics screen i colour i (0-15).Default value of i is the current graphics pen colour..] 
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: [Smooths character and graphics movement and reduces flicker...] 
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