
Locomotive BASIC

517 bytes added, 13:00, 5 October 2012
''See also:'' <tt>DATA</tt>, <tt>RESTORE</tt>
==== <code>RELEASEchanel</code> ====: [Releases a sound which was hold on (by a SOUND command) before...]It uses the same bit matrix like the SOUND command for the first parameter# (&x00000001) releases chanel A# (&x00000010) releases chanel B# (&x00000011) releases chanel A and B# (&x00000100) releases chanel C# (&x00000101) releases chanel A and C# (&x00000110) releases chanel B and C# (&x00000111) releases chanel A, B and C :Example:<pre>10 SOUND 65,1000,10020 PRINT"PRESS R TO LET IT SOUND"30 IF INKEY(50)=-1 THEN 3040 RELEASE 1</pre>
==== <code>REM [any text]</code> ====