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54 bytes added, 2 July
NOTE: This document describes the functionality in terms of the CPC with its separate CRTC and Gate-Array. The Plus has both integrated into the same IC, but could be considered to have two functional blocks, one for CRTC and one for Gate-Array. In this document the term 'Gate-Array' is used, but this also applies to the ASIC.
== Overview ==
4. As far as I know, the KC compact used HD6845R only.
== Timings and relating with Z80 instructions count ==
Some informations like : how many Z80 instructions can I fit within a scan line ? Within a screen ? Etc... See
(To be extracted/edited to conform to wiki good practices).
2. The CRTC is not connected to the CPU's RD and WR pins, so the CRTC is not aware of the CPU bus I/O direction. Therefore, if you perform an IN instruction to the select or write functions, it will write data to the CRTC from the current data on the bus.
CRTC pins RA3, RA4, MA10, MA11 are not connected on CPC.
== CUDISP (aka CURSOR) ==
However, this signal is provided to the expansion port. And it is used by the [[PlayCity]] and [[Play2CPC]] expansions.
== DISPTMG (aka Display Enable) ==
The DISPTMG can be forced to 0 by using R8 (DISPTMG Skew) on type 0,3 and 4 or by setting R6=0 on type 1. It is not possible to force the DISPTMG on type 2.
== HSYNC and VSYNC ==
The bit 0 of port B of the PPI changes to 1 as soon as the VSYNC signal is produced by the CRTC.
== The 6845 Registers ==
So, it's possible to use 32KB screen size (used for [[Programming:Overscan|overscan]]) by setting bits 11 and 10 both to 1 (of Register 12). Bits MA11 and MA10 of the address generated by the CRTC are not written on the address bus to access video memory; settings both bits to 1 is the only way to cause a carry to bit MA12 when address pass over the end of current video page to change the memory address to the next video page.
== CRTC Differences ==