
Locomotive BASIC

1,145 bytes added, 04:02, 28 January 2008
Edited down to Command:Cursor
==== <code>AFTER </code>‹time delay›[<code>,</code>‹timer number›]<code> GOSUB </code>‹line number› ====
: Waits for ‹time delay›/50 seconds and then jumps to the subroutine at ‹line number›. There are 4 delay timers from 0 to 3 which can be specified with ‹timer number›. If ommited omitted ‹timer number› defaults to 0.
==== <code>AUTO </code>[‹line number›][<code>,</code>‹increment›] ====
: Example:
: <code>: AUTO 100,5 :REM generates line numbers 100, 105, 110...</code>
==== <code>BORDER color</code> ‹colour›[<code>,</code>‹colour›] ====: Changes the color colour of the border. If the second argument is supplied the border flashes between the two colours.
==== <code>CALL add</code>‹address expression›[<code>,list of parameters]</code> ‹list of: parameter›] ====: Allows an externally developed subroutine a machine code routine to be called by BASIC. Variables, string values and constants can be passed to the routine. Values of any supported type can be passed back by supplying a variable with <code>@</code> in front of it. This passes the address of the variable to the routine although it doesn't implicitly know the data type.
: Example:
: <precode>CALL 0 - :REM resets the computer completely</precode>
==== <code>CAT</code> ====
: Displays the names of all existing programes the files on the tape or disc. Tape files are displayed in the order they are encountered. Disc files are sorted alphabetically by ACSII code. Only files matching the current user are displayed. Files marked as system are not displayed.
: Examples:
: <ttcode>CAT [ENTER] - :REM lists all disc files in alpha-numeric (ASCII) order<br/code>: <code>|TAPE [ENTER]<br>:CAT [ENTER] - :REM lists names of all tape files in their storage order<br></ttcode>
==== <code>CHAIN "filename"</code>‹file name›[<code>,ln]</code> ‹line number expression›] ====
:Enables the specified program to be loaded and RUN automatically. If the optional parameters ln parameter ‹line number expression› is specified, the program execution will commence from that line ln.
==== <code>CHAIN MERGE "filename"</code>‹file name›[<code>,ln]</code>‹line number expression› | [<code>,DELETE1 nl - 1n2</code>[‹line number expression›]<code>,DELETE</code> ‹line number range›]] ====
:Loads the specified program from tape or disc, merges it into the program in memory, and starts execution of the merged program. The parameter DELETE1n1 - 1n2 <code>DELETE</code> ‹line number range› is used to delete part of the original program before running it, if required.
==== <code>CLEAR</code> ====
: Clears all variables from memory, leaving the program in memory unchanged. All open files are abandoned.
==== <code>CLG [ink]</code> [‹masked ink›] ====: Clears the graphics screen to colour specified by ink‹masked ink›. If parameter ink ‹masked ink› is not specified them then the graphics screen is cleared to the colour specified by the GRAPHICS PAPER statement.
==== <code>CLOSEIN</code> ====
: Closes any output file (tape or disc).
==== <code>CLS</code> [<code>#</code>‹stream expression›]====: Clears the window specified by ‹stream expression›. If ‹stream expression› is omitted it defaults to #0 (usually the whole screen). The text cursor of the stream is moved to the upper left corner.
==== <code>CONT</code> ====
: CONTinues program execution interrupted either by [ESC] [ESC] or as a result of STOP within a program. A program cannot be continued after being modified.
: CONTinues program execution interrupted either by [ESC] [ESC] or as a result of STOP within a program. ==== <code>CURSOR‹expression›</code> ====: [..‹expression› must be either 0 or 1.]
==== <code>DATA x1[,x2,x3...]</code> ====