

5 bytes added, 20:56, 9 December 2006
/* The CPC Plus */
'''CPC Plus''' can use cartridges released for the '''GX4000''', but specific software can be created using the extra features without the need of hardware (contrary as it was claimed by Amstrad in 1991). The extra features are not locked by an hardware mechanism but only by a special 17 bytes-lenght sequence send to the CRTC. So, it's possible for everyone to create his own software on the cpc plus, using the extra features available through a 16kb ASIC I/O page.
See [[Programming ASIC]]
Excepted the extra-features, the Cpc Plus is almost full compatible with the old generation. We can notice some minor differences in emulated components ([[PPI]], [[CRTC]], [[FDCGate Array]]) and in the interruption mechanism in vectorised mode.  
== The GX4000 Games Console ==