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The Amstrad CPC Game Screenshot Catalog

191 bytes added, 09:36, 5 October 2017
version 1.4
The Amstrad CPC Game Load Screen In-game Screenshot Catalog. More than 34.500 images with the screenshots of most of the games videogames available for Amstrad CPC. From release 1.3 is included PCW videogames too.
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|Title:|| The Amstrad CPC Game Load Screen In-game Screenshot Catalog
|Version:|| 1.34
|Authors:|| Alejandro Valdezate ([[Lex Sparrow]])
|Publisher:|| Self published
|Year:|| 2010-2017
|Pages:|| 219248
|ISBN:|| '''-'''
== Contents ==
3930 4450 screenshots sorted by title.
== Download ==
Version 1.4 (september 2017, 4450 videogames)
* [!jUF12ZpT!xPZVO3HcF_-anHaofVj0bY-tBF4WoPHbk8wbjDzUu7M Mega]
Version 1.3 (december 2014, 3930 videogames)