||[[Abu Simbel Profanation]]|| 1986 || Dinamic Software || No || Converted by dragon<br/>Don't forget to select Joystick before starting || [[Media:Abu Simbel Profanation.rar | Abu Simbel Profanation.rar]]
||[[Action Fighter]]|| 1989 || Firebird || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2=Bike<->Car, GX4000 Pause=Pause, J1B1/J2B1=Unpause/Quit. || [[Media:Action Fighter.rar | Action Fighter.rar]]
||[[Advanced Pinball Simulator]]|| 1988 || Codemasters Software || No || Converted by Phantomz || [[Media:Advanced Pinball Simulator.rar | Advanced Pinball Simulator.rar]]
||[[Leaderboard Tournament]]|| 1987 || U.S.Gold ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br />Select Numbers with, 1 = Up, 2 = Left, 3 = Right, 4 = Down<br />Enter Player Level with the following, Pause Button is P = Professional, Controller 2 Button 1 is a = Amateur, Controller 2 Button 2 is n = Novice<br />Controller 1 Button 2 = Enter, so you can enter your name/s as p1, p2 p3, p4 etc || [[Media:Leaderboard Tournament.rar | Leaderboard Tournament.rar]]
||[[Lemmings]]|| 1991 || Psygnosis ||No|| Converted by dragon<br />J1B2+L/R=Select action, J1B1=Use selected action, J1B2=Unselect.<br/>J1B2+U/D=Change rate, J1B1+J2B2=Suicid, GX4000 Pause=Pause || [[Media:Lemmings.rar | Lemmings.rar]]
||[[Logistic]]|| 1993 || Fraggle of MOPS || No || Converted by CraigsBar || [[Media:Logistic.rar | Logistic.rar]]