,Reordered, added some information
Futurs' is a french demogroup. They publish published the [[Quasar CPC|Quasar CPC]] paper fanzine and have various others projects.<br>
== Electronics Fanzine ==
*[[SoundplayerQuasar CPC|SoundplayerQuasar CPC]], Soundplayer+, SoundplayerNG: these cards include a [[Digiblaster|Digiblaster]] CPC french papermag published between 1992 and a [[VirtualNet|VirtualNet]] network interface. *[[Mélodie|Mélodie]]: this project is a real sound card for cpc, with high-quality real time sampling and replaying *[[CPCISA|CPCISA]] version 3: this project is a new design of the CPC-ISA Card for ATX box, because the old versions are for an AT box2007 (mainly dedicated to coding). == Fanzine ==
*[[Quasar CPCNet|Quasar CPCNet]]: a wiki version of Quasar CPC french papermag , started in 2009 (mainly dedicated to codingembed improved version of the original Quasar CPC articles and illustrations, and some new topics).
== Software ==
*[[ANABack to Futurs'|ANABack to Futurs']] operating system (discontinuedpart of the [[30 Years Megademo]])
*[[Soundtracker DMAGloom's Demo|Soundtracker DMAGloom's Demo]]: a sound tracker using (guess part of the extended CPC+ fonctionalities... but it is unfinished :[[Power System Megademo 1995|Power System Megademo 1995]])
*[[Stormlord PlusSchädel Demo|Stormlord PlusSchädel Demo]]: a remake (guess part of the game stormlord for cpc+... yet another unfinished project[[The Years Of CPC Megademo|The Years Of CPC Megademo]])
*[[De retour des TénèbresTwo Of Spade|De retour des TénèbresTwo Of Spade]]: This game will be published once a graphist is found...
*[[ROMBootSample DMA demo|ROMBoot 1 & 2Sample DMA demo]]
*[[SyspatchThe 7th guest slideshow|SyspatchThe 7th guest slideshow]]
*[[Interrupt libRTS patched for Plus|Interrupt libRTS patched for Plus]]
*[[CPCISAFuck Oeuf|CPCISAFuck Oeuf]] *[[Citron_Demo|Citron Demo]] rom
=== Utilities ===
*[[ACE_(Emulator)|ACE CPC Emulator]]
*[[Kit Overscan|Kit Overscan]]
*[[Hard Sprite Designer|Hard Sprite Designer]]
*[[Soundtracker DMA|Soundtracker DMA]]: a sound tracker using the extended CPC+ functionalities.
=== Roms ===
*[[ROMBoot|ROMBoot 1 & 2]]: small ROMs to access common tools directly from boot sequence.
*[[Syspatch|Syspatch]]: small system extension (fast math, 8-bit printer on CPC+, ...).
*[[Interrupt lib|Interrupt lib]]: vectorized interrupt support for system.
*[[CPCISA|CPCISA]] rom: drivers for CPC-ISA.
*[[Albireo|Albireo]] rom: Amsdos compatible drive for Albireo USB card.
=== Games ===
*[[Burger Party|Burger Party]]
*Soundplayer+, SoundplayerNG: these cards include a classic Soundplayer and a [[Schädel DemoVirtualNet|Schädel DemoVirtualNet]] (guess part of the [[The Years Of CPC Megademo|The Years Of CPC Megademo]])network interface.
*[[Two Of SpadeAsic Inside|Two Of SpadeAsic Inside]]: a CPC+ demo, wich will be finished... soon... maybe...
*[[Natural Bug KillerAventury|Natural Bug KillerAventury]](cancelled, some preview where released within the Aventury Reliques Pack #1)
*[[PI1 screen slide showANA|PI1 screen slide showANA]]operating system (prototyping only, discontinued).
*[[Sample DMA demoStormlord Plus|Sample DMA demoStormlord Plus]]: a remake of the game stormlord for CPC+... finished but never published.
*[[The 7th guest slideshowDe retour des Ténèbres|The 7th guest slideshowDe retour des Ténèbres]]: this game might be published one day or another... maybe... perhaps... who knows. :)
*[[RTS patched for PlusMélodie|RTS patched for Plus]] *[[Fuck Oeuf|Fuck Oeuf]] *[[Citron_Demo|Citron DemoMélodie]]: this project is a real sound card for cpc, with high-quality real time sampling and replaying (this project was cancelled before the final release).
== Members ==