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UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

318 bytes added, 14:46, 13 February 2017
List order manifest.
uIDE-8 was prototyped and tested successfully on the PCW 9512. A FID based driver has been written that supports Amstrad CP/M and Locoscript (but it cannot cold boot the machine).
Update 05/07/17:As a result, the first batch of 10 uIDE-8 boards has been ordered but I found that there was an error in the order that will make them unusable, so I added the following to my original order:* 10 uIDE-8s (all of which are spoken forcorrected). More * 10 Z80 LHS Shims* 10 Z80 RHS Shims* 10 PCW Expansion port adapter with composite video* 10 PCW Expansion port adapter "lite" Update 13/02/17: All boards will be have been re-ordered once with expedited shipping, including uIDE-16. Some layouts were altered slightly. I am sure the first batch works properly still need to build one uIDE-16 and is CPC CP/M Plus drivers for testing. The order comprises of sufficient quality (this is my first attempt at designing hardware, so much is new :* 10 uIDE-16* 10 6128 expansion port to me).Z80 bus adapters* 10 Z80 LHS Shims* 10 Z80 RHS Shims* 10 PCW Expansion port adapter with composite video* 20 uIDE-8* 20 PCW Expansion port adapter "lite" 
Update 13/02/17: All boards have been re-ordered with expedited shipping, including uIDE-16. Some layouts were altered slightly. I still need to build one uIDE-16 and CPC CP/M Plus drivers for testing.
== Feature list ==