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UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

549 bytes added, 18:46, 8 February 2017
== Project status ==
As of now (Early Feb 2017) uIDE-16 is in the design phase, but the board has been laid out. Click the image above for a closer look.
uIDE-8 was prototyped and tested successfully on the PCW 9512. A FID based driver has been written that supports Amstrad CP/M and Locoscript (but it cannot cold boot the machine).
The As a result, the first batch of 10 uIDE-8 boards has been ordered(all of which are spoken for). More boards will be ordered once I am sure the first batch works properly and is of sufficient quality (this is my first attempt at designing hardware, so much is new to me).
== Feature list ==
* Compact design, only 4 ICs (uIDE-16) or 2 ICs (uIDE-8) and a smattering of discreet components. Board measures 79x60mm (uIDE-16).
* Implemented using cheap, readily available parts (7400-series ICs only, plus a single transistor, some capacitors, resistors and LEDs).
* Can be connected to the PCW expansion port (see below) or internally via a Z80 shim card (note, this requires a socketed Z80).
* Driver supports Amstrad CP/M Plus only at this time (it is implemented as a FID).
* Fully programmable I/O address decoding (via on-board jumpers). Initial I/O range (for the CPC driver) is FEF0-FEF7, but you can change this to suit your own hardware / driver.
* Can be used on any other Z80 computer with a socketed processor.
* Implemets Implements a standard bus connector that exactly matches the Z80 pinout. Further expansions are planned, including a Z80 bus board.
== Z80 Shims ==
These small cards are inserted between the Z80 and its socket, and present all 40 pins of the CPU via a 40 way header. This header is the "Z80 Bus" that the uIDE cards connect to.
Choose the one that fits best inside your machine. A CPC6128 needs the left hand shim, although space is very tight under the keyboard (the processor sits directly behind the expansion port) and it's not known yet whether it will fitproperly. PCW machines have more space, so either shim should fit.