||[[Darkman]]|| 1991 || Ocean Software ||No|| Converted by Phantomz and dragon<br/>Pause with Console Pause Button, Unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1<br/>To Quit Game, Press Joypad 1 Button 2 whilst Paused<br/>Keyboard O,P are changed to I,O for PLUS users || [[Media:Darkman.rar | Darkman.rar]]
||[[Darts 180]]|| 1986 || Mastertronic ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>GX4000 Pause=Quit || [[Media:Darts 180.rar | Darts 180.rar]]
||[[Defend Or Die]]|| 1985 || Alligata Software ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start Game<br/>Joypad 1 Button 2 for Bombs<br/>Joypad 2 Button 1 for Hyperspace<br/>Joypad 2 Button 2 to Pause / Unpause<br/>Console Pause Button to Reset Game || [[Media:Defend Or Die.rar | Defend Or Die.rar]]
||[[Professional Ski Simulator]]|| 1987 || Codemasters Software ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br />Joypad Fire 1 = Start 1 Player Game, Joypad Fire 2 = Start 2 Player Game<br />Up = Instructions, Left = Enter New Names, Right = Redefine Controls, Down = Enter for names<br />Pause Button to Pause / Unpause<br />Default controls = Buttons 1 and 2 on Joypads for Left & Right, Down to Thrust<br />Default controls are left and right buttons, as need to hold left and right to plough<br />To enter your names, you can press the console pause button for P then the joypad button 1 or 2 for number,<br />then Enter with joypad down, So you could enter names as P1, P2, etc if you wish || [[Media:Professional Ski Simulator.rar | Professional Ski Simulator.rar]]
||[[Psyborg]]|| 1992 || Loriciels ||No|| Converted by dragon<br/>J1B2=Abandon || [[Media:Psyborg.rar | Psyborg.rar]]
||[[Puzznic]]|| 1991 || Ocean Software || Yes (Palette)|| Converted by [[Kevin_Thacker | Arnoldemu]] and BDCIron || [[Media:Puzznic.rar | Puzznic.rar]]