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Into Oblivion

573 bytes added, 22:55, 8 October 2013
/* Map */
O = Space ship
P = Psyche unit
X = Extra Life
∏ = Spacecraft unblock object
 Triangles indicate one way only.There is a transporter screen on Nonterra. Extra lives are scattered throughout. Temporary shields against droids are scattered throughout. There are at least 2 spaceships blocked from being used and they need to be unblocked by a special object (marked on map). The directional arrows on certain screens sort of help you find the safe planet - by indicating if you need to move up or down. Various screens on first entry will be hazardous and take a life from you. Each row is essentially a planet. This - although technically the 'Safe Planet' is one massive labyrinth.just a screen hidden away on an existing planet!
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