/* Technical */
* It is restricted to loading/saving using DATA format disc. It uses sectors &c1-&c8 and reads/writes this entire range on each track in a multi-sector operation. DATA format has 512 bytes per sector, so sectors &c1-&c8 is 4K. So it reads 4K from each track.
* Disc must be pre-formatted to DATA.
* You can't use it with a disc with existing files because it writes data at specific places on the disc. It does write a dummy directory to indicate it's files are on there, but the device has the loader code in it, so you must use the device (or a seperate program) to load them back.
* Track 1 is used for temporary storage (it saves the screen here and reloads it after).
* It doesn't use the memory paging registers, so saves the RAM in it's current configuration. It saves the entire 64k starting at track 5 (for "1").
* It writes a dummy directory to track 0.
* it writes 2 to f0e0 to disable it's own ROM and 3 to f0e0 to enable it's own ROM.