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Hisoft Pascal

30 bytes added, 08:23, 5 April 2013
A [[:Category:PASCAL|Pascal]] compiler from [[Hisoft]]. 2 Versions of this Pascal were made. Original version [[Hisoft Pascal 4T]], (Tape) aka Hisoft Pascal (Disc) was Distributed through [[AMSOFT]] was designed to compile executable code and execute executed through [[Locomotive BASIC]] RUN"<filname>" statement. Programs produced seem to be of a good size, though files are large due to one Runtime Library (approx 5 or 6Kb) which needs to be included with Source program in order to execute the program, other languages such as Borlands "Turbo Pascal" also shared the same issues with one large library being stuck into program files.
[[Hisoft Pascal 80]] was later released through [[Hisoft]], on Disc and operated though CP/M, though could produce files for the AMSDOS version, though have the ability of producing CP/M 2.2 programs and CP/M Plus programs as well as allow support to GSX.