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Hisoft Art in Pascal

46 bytes added, 11:10, 2 April 2013
A Hisoft Catalog from 1988 Magazine (displayed on Hisoft Page), shows that by 1988, Hisoft Art in Pascal was no longer being sold, possibly due to this program being written in the earlier Pascal. In 1988 the later Hisoft Pascal 80 (a CP/M based Compiler), was being marketed instead, however since the earlier Compiler was distributed through AMSOFT, these earlier programs were possibly disappearing when AMSOFT disappeared around ?1987? making programs like Hisoft Art in Pascal not commercially viable?
However, the program has since become a rarity even though it was sold on Tape & Disc, which seems to suggest this program sold poorly, so if by slim change you own a copy of it in your dusty old Attic, don't sell it for less than the mortgage of your home. ;)