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User:CPM User

6,474 bytes added, 10:47, 2 September 2012
"com" files. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it just seems CP/M community don't appreciate this, I've had some other issues in the way CP/M
handles itself on a 64k system which makes it annoying to use if it's a 1 Disc setup. :(
== Programming Contributions ==
Hisoft Pascal 4T Boucy2;attach=5133
* With the previous routine of a Bouncing Ball, I've enhanced it by incorporating the Plot Image assembly routine into my Pascal program as an RSX which shows the program to be running faster than the previous one.
Hisoft Pascal 4T Bouncy;attach=5112
* Using an existing Turbo Pascal I'd made years ago which is on my Pascal website which simulates a Bouncing Ball inside a Square, I've modified the program to work in Hisoft Pascal, which is using the original routine I had from the original program to Draw the Ball and move it.
Hisoft Pascal Programs;attach=5111
* A couple of examples which use TIN & TOUT Hisoft Pascal 4T routines, which let you write numbers into an Array which is then saved, and a routine to load and display those values again.
SCR_PIXEL Demonstration;attach=5049
* The Demonstration program using SCR_PIXEL to show how it could be used to animate an Sprite onscreen.
SCR_PIXEL Source;attach=5048
* This is the Source Code for SCR_PIXEL, another firmware instruction which allows you to plot a point to screen using
pixel masks, however this routine also requires a PEN mask which kind of complicates things.
* This is a little BASIC Sprite Routine, I just wrote it to see how Mask values work in conjunction with Screen Memory.
Starscrl CPM;attach=5013
* Same as below, but works in CP/M 2.2 and main program has been compiled in Turbo Pascal 3.
Starscrl AMSDOS;attach=5002
* This is an redefined version of Starscrl from my Website which uses LDIR scroll & Plot Image routine to simulate the original 10-Liner Demo. Done in BASIC.
All the BASIC stupid mistakes I've made;attach=2972
* A collection of Misc problems from Silly Programming Ideas thread.
Final Big Bub Using Fill Box Routine using SCR_FILL_BOX;attach=2529
* Though this is the most refined version of these routines.
Big Bub Using SCR FILL BOX Routine 2;attach=2520
* This version of the last routine has been commented.
Big Bub using SCR FILL BOX;attach=2515
* Uses SCR FILL BOX to draw a large image of BUB to screen fairly quickly in 8x8 size pixels.
* A prank.
Plot Image 2.asm;attach=1827
* Plots an 8x8 Image on screen, though unlike the original Plot Image, it's ignoring any Zero's which are in the image which will result in anything which would normally go behind a zero would be kept in these circumstances.
Plot Image 3.asm;attach=1828
* This is like Plot Image 4.asm except it's using INC to increment when processing the image through GRA PLOT ABSOLUTE. Any parts of the image which uses zero is also skipped.
Plot Image 4.asm;attach=1829
* This routine draws a larger image (15x23) onto the screen, like Plot Image 3.asm it's skipping the need to process any of the 0s found in the image, so anything which would normally go behind that would remain, kind of works. Is very similar to Plot Image 3 except it's using ADD instruction for incrementing rather than ordinary INC which PI3 uses.
* Example of converting some data into some assembly bytes I think. :);attach=1613
* My early example of physically scrolling the screen down a byte using LDIR assembly instruction.
Plot Image.asm;attach=1596
* This routine will Plot an Sprite using GRA PLOT ABSOLUTE creating an 8x8 Image. This routine and the following Plot Image routines work in an area of Bytes due to the way I'm subtracting my value of XPOS using A, however simple modifications can be done to make it work for the entire screen.
scrhoriz done.asm;attach=1587
* This is one of many ways I used the Firmware using SCR_HORIZONTAL to make a Sprite and XOR Sprites can be done in conjunction with SCR ACCESS. It's kind of limited when it comes to moving something across the screen has to be done in jumps, moving something down the screen works though.This is due to the nature of SCR HORIZONTAL using Encoded PEN instead of Encoded Byte Masks.
* This Graphical Mandelbrot Program was originally knocked up in Turbo Pascal 6 or 5.5, I converted it to run in Turbo Pascal 3 on in DOS & CP/M-86 1.1 on an IBM compatable and this is what I knocked up for it to work on a CPC in CP/M 2.2, so it uses CPC Specific instructions to plot the mandelbrot and not GSX!
--[[User:CPM User|CPM User]] 10:47, 2 September 2012 (UTC)