
Locomotive BASIC

1,461 bytes added, 07:55, 14 September 2006
=== Functions ===
==== ABS (n) ====: [Returns the absolute value of n by ignoring the sign value.::''Example'':: PRINT ABS(-3.5) - prints 3.]5
==== ASC ====
: [...]
==== ATN (n) ====: [Returns the arctangent of n...]
==== BIN$ (i1,[i2]) ====: [Returns binary representation of i1 between -32768 and 65535...]The number of binary digits (0s and 1s) is specified by i2 (0-16)::''Example:'':: PRINT BIN$(66,8) - prints 01000010
==== CHR$ ====
: [...]
==== RND [(n)] ====: [Generates the next random number in the current squence if n is positive or omitted.If n = 0, the random number generated will be the same as the last random number generated..]
==== ROUND (n[,i1]) ====: [Rounds n to a number of decimal places or to the power of ten specified by i.If i is negative, the n is rounded to give an absolute integer with i zeros before the decimal point.::''Example'':: PRINT ROUND(1562.]357,2):PRINT ROUND(1562.375,-2) - prints 1562.36 1600
==== SGN (n) ====: [..Returns 1 if n is positive, 0 if n = 0, -1 if n is negative.]
==== SIN (n) ====: [...]Returns sine of n in degree or radian mode (see DEG and RAD)
==== SPACE$ ====
: [...]
==== SQ (channel) ====: [Returns a bit significant integer showing state of the sound queue for specified channel where channel 1, 2, 3 = A, B, C...]<pre>Bits 0,1 and 2 number of free entries in the queueBits 3,4 and 5 redezvous state at head of the queueBit 6 head of the queue is heldBit 7 channel is currently active</pre>
==== SQR (n) ====: [Returns the square root of n...]
==== STR$ ====
==== TIME ====
: [Returns time elapsed since the computer was switched on or reset.: One second = TIME/300..]
==== UNT ====
: [...]
==== VPOS (#st) ====: [Reports the current row (line) position of the text cursor relative to the top of the text windows of the specified stream...]
==== XPOS ====