,On the bottom is passthrough for other expansion connectors and a 3V square lithium battery. (The exact replacement battery (40LF220 SAFT Memoguard 3.0V Lithium Encapsulated Cell) is expensive @ £19.49 each. It *is* possible to fit a PC CMOS compatible lithium battery (CR2032) and holder, but it's not as neat and there is not a lot of space between the two pcb boards of the Amram)
On the top, 32K RAM (contents are held by lithium battery so can survive a reset or power off), which can be programmed like ROM and occupies two ROM positions (1 and 2) and also sockets for expansion ROMs up to ROM 73,4,5 and 6.
There is a bank of DIP switches to enable/disable ROM slots, a switch to enable/disable writes to 32K RAM (left side of top pcb), a LED to indicate RAM is ready to write and a switch to reset computer (right side of top pcb).