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Locomotive BASIC

237 bytes added, 13:06, 10 June 2011
: Gives copy of se with all alphabetic characters in upper case.
==== <code>VAL(se)</code> ====
: Returns the numeric value (including signs) of first numeric character(s) in se. Returns 0 if se starts with a non-number. : Example: <pre>PRINT VAL("-12.34x"), VAL("A-12") - prints -12.34 0
<br>Exception: If se starts with "&amp;" + character (and it's between "A" and "F") the whole character will be handled like a hexadezimal numeric character (...often used in DATA Loaders)
<pre>PRINT&nbsp;VAL("&amp;A") - returns a 10</pre>
==== <code>VPOS (#st)</code> ====