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NC Series

314 bytes added, 14:49, 24 December 2010
/* NC200 Disc access */
By default, the NC200 will work from RAM. All files are read/written to it's internal memory. This includes from BASIC when SAVE and LOAD and *. (list directory)
are used.
Reading files from Disk:
If you wish to transfer files to memory to use them, you need to go to the file manager (Function+F, select each file with space, press menu and then select "copy marked files to memory").
The files will be read from disc and read into RAM.
Writing files to Disk:
If you wish to transfer files to disc, you need to press Green to go to the list of documents. Press space and highlight each document you want to copy, press menu and then select "Copy marked files to disk"). The files will be read from RAM and written to disk.
== Technical ==