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Into Oblivion

18 bytes added, 04:44, 16 December 2010
/* Gameplay */
== Gameplay ==
You control the 'Seeker MK II' around which allows for exploration of the various screens on each planet. There are various hazardous life forms about (erratic / unpredictable droids and a primitive race of human-like creatures) which you can destroy with your unlimited supply of lasers. Spacecraft exist which can take you to other planets. Be aware of where you have been as it is very easy to get lost. Scattered around are various objects that have a certain purpose. Some allow further game progression, others give you extra lives. You only have 9 lives and you will need them as there are 42 planets and 2500 screens. Make sure you have collected enough 'Psyche' units when you locate the safe planetlegendary 'Safe Planet'. Joystick or keyboard can be used. Good luck!
== Ties with Previous Games ==