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Into Oblivion

No change in size, 06:09, 15 December 2010
/* Gameplay */
You control a small vehicle (MK II Seeker) around which allows for exploration of the various screens. Joystick or keyboard can be used. There are various hazardous life forms about which you can destroy with your unlimited supply of laser beams. Space craft exist which can take you to other planets. Be aware of where you have been as it is easy to get lost. Scattered around are various objects to keep you amused. You have 9 lives and you will need them as there are 42 planets and 2500 screens. Good luck!
According to the "Aim of the Game" text, this game follows on from [[Nonterraqueous_2_Nonterraqueous 2 (Soul_of_a_RobotSoul of a Robot)]].
==Critical reception==