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832 bytes added, 23:53, 8 December 2010
/* Game Play */
== Game Play ==
You play begin with no clothes and have 3 lives. You are only able to visit a character called Carlin - who runs around town trying limited number of screens due to locate all your lack of his attire. There are items of clothing scattered around which enable you to visit more locations (due to being not so naked any more) - but be careful as there are theives about which will take your clothes if you are not careful and actually kill you if you are naked. If a thief nicks your clothes, you can get the items back by giving the thief 2 objects (this can be figured out by examining the thief to earthfind what they like). This is no ordinary town, as you will then render them harmless. Some locations are actually on another planet inaccessible due to the time - Zuggisome open / close at different times. since arriving The character you control is able to pick up various objects and do certain things with these objects, such as eat, unlock or dress. Some of the objects are red herrings, other have been mugged a critical role in the game. You also will need food and had all your clothes energy and top secret documents stolen! You have to get it eventually sleep - all back and get help to make the shipgame a little more challenging.Some objects need to be dropped off at certain locations and need to remain there after closing hours to trigger some other event. A very useful object is the stopwatch!
== Screenshots ==