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Dk'tronics Real Time Clock

607 bytes added, 21:24, 7 September 2010
/* Software */
Included BASIC and CP/M+ drivers:
* RSX.BAS (loader) and RSX.BIN (binary)- allows to change the time under BASIC, using following RSX commands** |SETTIME,yy%,mm%,dd%,dayofweek%,hour%,min%,sec%** |ASKTIME,@yy%,@mm%,@dd%,@dayofweek%,@hour%,@min%,@sec%** |POKERTC,index%,value%** |PEEKRTC,index%,@value%** |TIMEON,xpos%,ypos%,interval%** |TIMEOFF** |ALARMON,hour%,min%,sec%,flag%** |ALARMOFF* CLOCK.COM - installs the clock under CP/M+ (thereafter** Thereafter, it should be accessible with standard DATE command, and, it should add timestamps to files).** According to english manual, time is set by "CLOCK dd/mm/yy hh/mm/ss" rather than by using the DATE command (?)** Unknown how the timestamps are stored on disk? The normal AMSDOS filesystem / directory entries don't include timestamps.** According german manual, something is (the startup message?) "Datomat RTC und Cdos sind Warenzeichen von CMS International" (=Datomat RTC and Cdos are trademarks of CMS International)
== Timestamps ==