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4 bytes removed, 00:07, 1 September 2010
/* Commodore MPS-803 */
Commodore printer, apparently from the same manufacturer, and probably containing more or less the same hardware. Known differences are: MPS-803 uses a CBM-style serial port (no centronics port). And control codes and character set in BIOS may differ from the Amstrad version, too. [[:File:Commodore MPS-803 dark boxed.jpg|(other picture)]]
The MPS-803 uses the same 9-pin head as the NLQ401, but reportedly it has only 8-pins are installed, more confusingly, the MPS-803 uses only 7-pins for both Text and Graphics printing (producing a similar picture as the older MPS-801/[[DMP1]]).
* [[Media:Commodore MPS-803 Printer Users Guide.pdf|Commodore MPS-803 Printer Users Guide.pdf]]