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701 bytes added, 08:19, 6 November 2017
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[[Image:wincpc.jpggif|thumb|WinCPC screenshot]]
'''WinCPC''' is an emulator for the range of old -generation Amstrad CPC computers. It has been delevoped developed by [[Flynn]] and runs under MS Windows. Works very fine on GNU/Linux using wine ( far better than WinAPE ).
== Features ==
* [[Z80 ]] emulation including all undocumented opcodes
* µPD765-A FDC support for two floppy drives
* RAM banking for up to 576kb 576 KB RAM
* Expansion ROMs
* HD6845 CRT-Controller (type 0)
* Supports CDT and TZX tape-images incl. WAV-converter
* Joystick support
* integrated powerfull powerful debugger and peripheral monitor
* integrated Z80 assembler
* integrated 8080 assembler
* Printer output
* [[Digiblaster]]
* Sound recorder
* Colour, green and greyscale monitor simulation with brightness and contrast control
* VDU emulation
* GUI in englishEnglish, german German and french French language* 2 -layer keyboard mapping
* window or fullscreen mode
* Drag'n'drop for DSK, CDT and ZIP files
* Partial emulation of the [[SYMBiFACE II]]
== How to assemble z80 software with WinCPC ==
Use for example the asm code on the author's contact page []
Open it in the z80 assembler and compile it. The software give you the entry point address and the size.
* execute it :
CALL &8000
* save it on a dsk ( should be insert of course ):
SAVE "flynn.bin",b,&8000,&1C
* to execute the saved binary :
LOAD "flynn.bin",&8000
CALL &8000
== Download ==
* [[]]
== Web links ==
* [ WinCPC homepage]