,'''CBM''' ("Command Bar Menu") is a part of [[FutureOS|FutureOS]]. It is not completely part of the core ROMs, because it needs a high degree of flexibility to serve very different applications. CBM provides an consistent user-interface for all applications. You can use hierarchical pull-down menues to select files or functions. The interaction by the [[FutureOS|FutureOS]] desktop is done by using the OK icon.
CBM provides several build in standard functions like load file, save file, change colors, show help and so on.
Examples for programs using CBM are the [[FuturePlayer|MP3-Player]], the Sprite Converter [[GMSK|GMSK]], the map and playground editor [[GSED|GSEd]], the sprite manager [[Kane|Kane]] , the [[SYMBiFACE II]] [[ROManager]] and some other applications for [[FutureOS|FutureOS]].
== Web links ==